What do you guys do when you have very small empty spaces? I have a few spaces on my island (mostly around Resident Services) that are empty but not big enough to anything elaborate. One is 2x6 squares, one is 2x5, and one is 3x4. Any suggestions?
it depends since everyone has different styles for their island, personally i haven’t started designing mine and yet and don’t know what i plan on making it look like, but in small areas id probably place a picnic cloth design and place a little pic area there, or as said above maybe a few benches and flowers with a few stone paths around it. a little cozy seating area would also be really cute!
I have a 3x4 area near my house where I'm growing pumpkins. I have other pumpkin patches that are larger nearby. They are a good steady way to make money.
Maybe a phone booth with a streetlamp and some bushes or something like that? If it's near residents services then a phone booth sort of fits in there I think.
I also love to use the tiny library to fill small spaces.
When I have small empty spaces on my island, I usually decorate them with custom paths, bug models, or bush starts. If there's enough room for a couple chairs and a table I usually make a cute little seating area and put some of the champagne flutes on a table or the coconut juice.
You could also do a cute little reading nook, maybe with a chair, table, coffe mug, stack of books. I've also seen people do little farms for pumpkins or melons using the beach ball.
I'm a fan of lighting up my island, so in thin areas, I alternate shrubs with streetlamps / paper lanterns / garden lanterns, depending on the area. I also like the occasional phone booth; I just love things that light up!
I often fill small areas on my island with flowers, I'm quite indecisive for which type of flowers and colours I'd like to use on my island so filling up the smaller spaces around the island with them lets me use a wide range of types of flowers and if it's a confined small space then it stops them growing out of control and taking over the island.
Chairs, tables and benches are also things I like using in small areas as I think its nice to have places to sit and rest dotted around the island and if the room allows I'll usually add a lamp to the space too to give a bit more light when it's dark.