I didn't like you anyway.
My thoughts exactly.
I didn't like you anyway.
lays on floor,
u guys need 2 stop mentioning me bc im gross and dumb,,, awkward is correct tho
ilu all
I don't play favorites.
I didn't like you anyway.
Cent/Zr388: She's helped me through some very tough times. I already fell like a different person from having known her.
Tina: She's been really nice to me. I find her presence kinda comforting.
ProfessorGallows: Really sweet guy. Reminds me of myself at times.
Kaiaa: Kind, funny, and understanding.
Bibiburger: Hilarous, very talented, and sweet in her own weird way.
Shirohibiki: Like Bibi, very talented. She's kind of awkward at times, but she's adorable, and very well-meaning.
Thunder: Makes me laugh, makes me cringe, and occasionally makes me cry.
Lauren: o my waifu, i luv u. oh, and she's not scary.
Olive: Fun, and very easy to talk to. I'm amazed she puts up with me at times.
Pally: She's a sweetheart, and so caring.
Gandalf: My favourite loser.
Mari: I think we all can agree that we love Mari.
Andyb: A little awkward, but he's sweet. Like Jamie he shares some of my more obscure interests.
Oath2order: He's pretty cool. Easy to talk to. 10/10 best Zelda.
Minties: 10 years since minties vanished. I really need to message you.
KarlaKGB: Snarky, and pretty damn blunt. He's been really helpful to me, and I really appreciate it.
Cory: Pretty silly, I admit. But I still like him; he lightens things up when he's not being a pain the in butt.
Justin: Gotta appreciate someone who has the same taste in women as you. RIP cult.
I don't wanna make this too tl;dr, so here's the rest of my favourite TBT'ers: Superpenguin, Yui-Z, Jas0n, Trundle, Villagedweller, CookingOkasan, Tom, Shinysandwich, Lapaa, kayocalypse, Jennifer and Lynn105
That are more, as per usual, but I'm pretty out of it so I'll leave it at there..
Aw bb <3 ily #bestwaifuever
I didn't like you anyway.
OMG Lauren too. We're supposed to get married aswell remember?
OMG Lauren too. We're supposed to get married aswell remember?
Thunder: makes me cringe, and occasionally makes me cry.