I guess I'll update my list. It has been awhile.
The list of people who I like/respect :
Mariah (you are awesome, my friend.)
Thunder ( u so punny)
MrKissToeFur (your beard is a level beyond respect)
ITookYourWaffles }
Farobi } (Ily both no homo)
Capella( ily thanks for the collectible

Epona ( ily u gorgeous horse)
Yui Z (thanks for the 'hi' and 'hellos'

i also love talking to you )
Sockhead (u coolio)
Tina ( thanks for the great newbie mafia game

Lauren (one of my senpais)
Pally ( Pally-sama is princess 5ever)
Benmjy ( how could I forget the cool bro?)
Flop(dargblurgit ily stahp ninja'ing me every time Mitch)
Ashtot ( <3 )
CookingOkasan ( i got the hots for mama)
Reindeer ( thanks bro :> )
Alice ( always be kildad)
Cent (modding like its hot)
Bowie ( Bowie always has the love)
ccemuka ( =) You're great at mafia, and thanks for the great game. Had fun

Jake.-san! ( you're really funny, and very kind as well! Thx friend! )
Aerious (You're really sweet and fun to talk to in the IRC

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That's about it I think. I'll try to remember those who I have left out, and edit them into my post