Cent/Zr388: She's helped me through some very tough times. I already feel like a different person from having known her.
Tina: She's been really nice to me. I find her presence kinda comforting.
ProfessorGallows: Really sweet guy. Reminds me of myself at times.
Kaiaa: Kind, funny, and understanding.
Bibiburger: Hilarous, very talented, and sweet in her own weird way.
Shirohibiki: Like Bibi, very talented. She's kind of awkward at times, but she's adorable, and very well-meaning.
Thunder: Makes me laugh, makes me cringe, and occasionally makes me cry.
Lauren: o my waifu, i luv u. oh, and she's not scary.
Olive: Fun, and very easy to talk to. I'm amazed she puts up with me at times.
Pally/Princess: She's a sweetheart, and so caring.
Gandalf: My favourite loser.
Mari: I think we all can agree that we love Mari.
Andyb: A little awkward, but he's sweet. Like Jamie he shares some of my more obscure interests.
Oath2order: He's pretty cool. Easy to talk to. 10/10 best Zelda.
Minties: 10 years since minties vanished. I really need to message you.
KarlaKGB: Snarky, and pretty damn blunt. He's been really helpful to me, and I really appreciate it.
Cory: Pretty silly, I admit. But I still like him; he lightens things up when he's not being a pain the in butt.
Justin: Gotta appreciate someone who has the same taste in women as you. RIP cult.
Stepheroo: Aw, what a sweetie pie, especially in my stomach.
Annie/Epona: Really sweet and fun to talk to. A big part of the reason I enjoy popping into the IRC.
Tom: Pretty cool guy, eh, indulges me to the contrary when I self-deprecate and helps me with my mafia. Doesn't afraid of anything, either.
Jas0n: Pretty chill, and has a nice couch.
Superpenguin: My mafia experience wouldn't quite be the same without you, Nick. You're pretty interesting guy.
Ashtot: We've had our issues, but we get past them. I really enjoy talking to you.
Sparkanine: Another big sweetiepie~
I don't wanna make this too tl;dr, so here's the rest of my favourite TBT'ers: Ashtot, Yui-Z, Trundle, Villagedweller, CookingOkasan, Shinysandwich, Lapaa, kayocalypse, Murray, Jennifer and Lynn105, Hyogo, MayorLark, Soggy, Mino, MrKissToeFur and MozzarellaSticks.
Update: Added some descriptions after getting to know some other users better and meeting some new people~
*adds Natty to my list*
I'm on your list? This makes me so happy, aww. :')Cent/Zr388: She's helped me through some very tough times. I already feel like a different person from having known her.
Tina: She's been really nice to me. I find her presence kinda comforting.
ProfessorGallows: Really sweet guy. Reminds me of myself at times.
Kaiaa: Kind, funny, and understanding.
Bibiburger: I love you, Bibi. I couldn't imagine a day where I didn't talk to you, or wanted to talk to you if I couldn't. Thank you for being there for me.
Shirohibiki: Very talented. She's kind of awkward at times, but she's adorable, and very well-meaning.
Thunder: Makes me laugh, makes me cringe, and occasionally makes me cry.
Lauren: o my waifu, i luv u. oh, and she's not scary.
Olive: Fun, and very easy to talk to. I'm amazed she puts up with me at times.
Pally/Princess: She's a sweetheart, and so caring.
Gandalf: My favourite loser.
Mari: I think we all can agree that we love Mari.
Andyb: A little awkward, but he's sweet. Like Jamie he shares some of my more obscure interests.
Oath2order: He's pretty cool. Easy to talk to. 10/10 best Zelda.
Minties: 10 years since minties vanished. I really need to message you.
KarlaKGB: Snarky, and pretty damn blunt. He's been really helpful to me, and I really appreciate it.
Cory: Pretty silly, I admit. But I still like him; he lightens things up when he's not being a pain the in butt.
Justin: Gotta appreciate someone who has the same taste in women as you. RIP cult.
Stepheroo: Aw, what a sweetie pie, especially in my stomach.
Annie/Epona: Really sweet and fun to talk to. A big part of the reason I enjoy popping into the IRC.
Tom: Pretty cool guy, eh, indulges me to the contrary when I self-deprecate and helps me with my mafia. Doesn't afraid of anything, either.
Jas0n: Pretty chill, and has a nice couch.
Superpenguin: My mafia experience wouldn't quite be the same without you, Nick. You're a pretty interesting guy.
Ashtot: We've had our issues, but we get past them. I really enjoy talking to you.
Sparkanine: Another big sweetiepie~
I don't wanna make this too tl;dr, so here's the rest of my favourite TBT'ers: Ashtot, Yui-Z, Trundle, Villagedweller, CookingOkasan, Shinysandwich, Lapaa, kayocalypse, Murray, Jennifer and Lynn105, Hyogo, MayorLark, Soggy, Mino, MrKissToeFur and MozzarellaSticks.
Update: Added some descriptions after getting to know some other users better and meeting some new people~
I'm on your list? This makes me so happy, aww. :')
Psssssssshhhhh, Alice hun, you flatter me. <3Sparkanine: Another big sweetiepie~
Voltz09, RJtheACPlayer, Gregriii, WonderK, rimu, sojin, xaraxura, Stepheroo, Sparkanine, Axeler137, Kairi-Kitten, Miharu, Shirohibikki, lynn105, Kazunari, Droogie, and Beary
- - - Post Merge - - -
Im not on anyones list![]()
Ugh gonna update the list.
Lynn105: You may be a nerd who loves Killua, but you're my nerd.
Stepheroo: I love you girl. You hit me in the honey nut feelios. Every. Damn. Day. I hope you get into NYU babe.
Alice: You're hella rad. I enjoy talking to you every chance I get. Stay cute.
Gamora: You're my lemon b?. I wanna no skope some n00bs with you.
Shirohibiki: We don't talk a lot, but you're cute, funny, and I really like to be around you.
Kairi-Kitten: I recall you being on of my first friends here. You're awesome. I love talking to you.
WonderK: You tolerate my stupidity and annoying antics, and that warms my heart, dude.
Swiftstream: You're a mega cutie ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Stay cool!
Xenuet, Myst, ilovelush and tokayseye: You guys are cool. I consider you guys as the Basement gang. Good luck with Wishy's Star company!
Cariad: You're so sweet Niamh. Too bad you aren't a hobo anymore >:^[
Thunder: You're so dank and it's a pleasure to be friends with you.
I've been on the forums for about 5 months now and I've met some pretty swell people.
Here's an updated list.
Shiny & Brad - You two are my bad boyz and i'm so glad we're the three bestfriends that anyone could have. Spamming with "; )" always put a smile on my face. My love for you guys burns like the white hot intensity of 1,000 suns.
Annie You jav got to be like the sweetest gal on here. I love talking to ya, your so wise and funny and I just value your companionship so much.
Natty - You are just wonderful Natty. I love your shy/sassy personality and how you always push me to do my best (in Mario Kart hehe)
Pally - I didn't like you at first but you grew on me haha. Your wrestling wisdom and terrible snapchats delight me to the fullest.
Kisstoefur - Speaking of wrestling wisdom, you are a wrestling god! I love the wrestling vids you send me!
Also your kinky side gets along quite well with mine ; )
Mari You are so cool Mari. I feel like you're one of the guys when I talk to you but that's so good haha. I love you and your cheeks.
Reizo n' Thunder - If it wasn't for you dudes I probably wouldn't be in the irc today so thanks fellas! You guys are both fc'n rad and I can't wait until we throwdown on Sm4sh.
Cap - You are so young but you mean so much. You never fail to make me laugh when we cross paths.
Elise - I like giving you a hard time, it's funny haha but I see you pretty much in the same light I see Cap.
Tina - The sweetest and best mod ever, helping me get back what I mistakenly gave away and what not. I also one to have a beer with ya one day haha.
Lauren - You are savage! I enjoy being spammed your snapchats throughout the week is such a joy. I also want to partake in an alcoholic beverage with ya.
exoticwhitemozzarellabreadsticksjess - You can change your name all you want but you'll always be mozz to me. Most def one of the coolest gals if not the coolest gal on here and I admire your love for chicken fries.
Mahou - I give you a hard time but it's bc ily even though I never say it back haha. Your taste in music is also amazing like wow 5 stars for sure.
SockHead - My boy isn't with us at the moment but wow he's pretty much the most awesome guy I met online when it comes to..everything. I feel like he could be my big brother.
Superpenguin/VillageDweller/Yui-Z/Kildor/Flake - I don't know you all too well, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you