One of the villagers asked for a "self sufficient" house. That was loads of fun because it came with things like corn and wheat you could plant outside as well as a fire and firewood, tools, a wheelbarrow and a scarecrow. With all that plus planting one of each fruit tree, that was the best exterior ever!
I really like the tea ceremony house I made for Blanche yesterday. I love that long, horizontal house layout option! I also really like the office I designed too. It's pretty mundane, but it appeals to my need for structure.
I just made a bike shop for Walker--that was pretty fun, though I'm sad I didn't get around to uploading the silly little bicycle QRs I made in AC:NL. Guess I'll have to redesign!
There are so many little details and furniture items that make designing various homes and buildings a pleasure, even if I don't like the theme. I wasn't jazzed about all the kiddie furniture that came with Doc's house, so I basically ignored it and came up with something really cute and fun. Iggly wanted a winter-sports-themed home and I chucked all that stuff outside and made him a little chalet with the wind howling outside. As I unlock more and more stuff, it's inspiring ever-more creativity.
p.s. I've posted pix of Doc's and Iggly's homes, along with a few more, in the stickied screenshots thread up top.
Meggiewes, I haven't figured out how to use the Happy Homes Network yet. But I will when I do! I think part of the fun of these homes is the requests that aren't real obvious. It is a surprise to see the stuff that comes with some of them.