Thanks for posting this, I didn't even know these items were available! None of them really stand out to me, but if I had to pick it would be the Kadomatsu.
I like that the Olivier Salad gives us another food option, but I think overall my favourite has to be the kadomatsu as it's the most likely one that I can see myself using
my favourite it the kadomatsu
it's so pretty, i love the mix of bamboo and pink flowers ♡
i also like the new years shimekazari, i hung it on my door as soon as i could
my least favourite is the olivier salad (sorry), i love food items in ac games but this one just looks basic imo and i don't like the colours
i've never had it or heard of it before so maybe it is nice idk
I voted for the salad because if they keep giving us more food items I might be able to do a café themed room and a bistro instead of the big kitchen I have now. It's definitely the item I'm getting the most use out of, but the kadomatsu is a nice outdoor addition and the kagamimochi adds a little colour to the snow and the greenery.
I really like the kadomatsu and the yut nori, I play overwatch too, and there's an emote on there which is throwing the yut nori sticks in the air, so it's nice to see it in context, as the board isn't with it in the emote :L
Definitely the Kadomatsu whose presence comes at a great time since I've begun working on a bit of an Edo era-style market street next to Genji's house so I think those will work great there.
I went for the Kadomatsu, I really like the way it looks and in terms of decorating my island its the most practical, so it’s the item I think I’ll get the most use out off.
Im extremely happy as all of you we got them all however to pick a favorite that could proof to be a challenge. I will therefore say 3 favorite ones:
1- Oliver salad, which in Spain is called Russian salad in Russian however they dont call it like that lol although i have a couple of friends from there and its a common dish in NY because of the dire situations Russia lived historically speaking potato's where cheap and nutritious . Its one of my favorite summer dish
2- Kadomatsu, cause i find it super cute and i am making an asian oriented house for my second character so love it heheh
3- New Year's ShimeKazarin, I like how its asian oriented its something nice to put in your door as well as your villagers doors to bring good vibes and celebrate the new year, plus again super happy to have a more asian style door decoration for my asian home
I will also say that i dont like at all that we got the 2021 arch dont get me wrong its gorgeous and super like it but they gave it to us to late to actually enjoy it, i personally feel its 3 of January life has to get back to normal no more party kind of way, wished we would get the arch a day or two before so we can prepare the island with then for just before the big party, you know what i mean ?
I chose the ox figurine because I love the chinese zodiac but agree with most that the kadomatsu is a good practical decoration that goes really well with Japanese/Asian themed islands. I have two myself in my Japanese garden/spa. It gives me hope that more interesting furniture will be added this year