I adore and admire all animals, but deers have been my absolute favourite ever since I was a kid. I don’t even know how to begin explaining why I love them so much or how much they mean to me, but I’m forever so grateful to share a planet with those beautiful creatures!
Deer sightings aren’t super common where I am, but I
was blessed enough to see a couple of them in a field semi-near my apartment years ago! My late grandmother had first seen them on her way home from work, and about a week later her, my mom and I saw them again! I sadly wasn’t able to get a pic of them, but that memory will live with me forever. I remember how beautiful the sun peeking through the trees was as it started to set, and how it made the most perfect glowing background for the deers as they grazed in the field. I haven’t been lucky enough to see any since, but I still always look for them when I drive by that field. It’s a dream to see deers in-person again one day.
My list of other favourite wild animals goes on forever, but to name some of them: foxes, moles, groundhogs, red pandas, penguins, platypi, orcas, manatees, klipspringers, otters, porcupines, hedgehogs, margays, minks, wombats, beluga whales, and so, so many others!!
I actually want to share a couple photos of klipspringers and margays as I don’t think they’re as known, but they’re such beautiful creatures!
I also always enjoy seeing squirrels, rabbits, skunks, raccoons and hawks out and about! I see squirrels and hawks the most often, so seeing the other 3 is always a pleasant treat! My mom and I have seen a bunny roaming around our apartment twice this week, and we’ve been setting out carrots for them, and nuts and bird seeds for the other critters!