

Formerly Senshi!
Oct 24, 2015
Pink Hybrid Rose
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Father's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Tasty Cake
Peach (Fruit)
Cherry (Fruit)
Red Candy
So, I just got Felyne in my game via the spot pass and I love him so much, his emotions are so adorable. Do you think he'll be put into future games? I hope he is, he's honestly really adorable. But because of the fact he's based on monster hunter and was specifically made for that purpose, do you think he'll be added? i'm starting to doubt it.
I don't think he will be in any future games, honestly. He was a one off character for cross promotion. It would be really weird if Nintendo made him an actual villager seeing as he was conceived specifically to promote MH in HHD. If they did decide to put him in a main series game, I'd think he would end up being DLC there as well, like a street pass move in.
I really doubt he will be a villager to get in future games because he was just a promotion for Monster Hunter, but I do really like his design, I wish there were more cats, I also wish the "place holder" wooden cat would be a villager.
Aw that's really disappointing that he probably won't be put into future games, but it's reality right? I think the wooden cat villager should've been a villager also, they'd go nicely with Coco as there aren't many villagers like her so she sticks out like a sore thumb. I think we have quite a lot of cat villagers but it wouldn't hurt to add some more. I just think that adding and designing Felyne into happy home designer for him to not be put into future instalments is a bit of a waste, so I thought that Nintendo possibly might add him into future games but again that seems unlikely because of his sole purpose being cross-promotion. Also I believe that he shares another birthday with another villager? i'm not so sure about this, but I have a feeling he does.
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I hope so too! I thought he was in New Leaf too but someone corrected me Dx
I just bought HHD (Literally like an hour ago) Im so excited eeee! c:
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I hope so too! I thought he was in New Leaf too but someone corrected me Dx
I just bought HHD (Literally like an hour ago) Im so excited eeee! c:

Only the ones with amiibo cards are in New Leaf, none of the HHD villagers with DLC, are in New Leaf. Odd that they only put them as amiibo cards, meaning Rosie, Stitches and Goldie get 2 different versions, but oh well.