Well, For so many characters I'd probably think a transparent background would be best. The base price for 3 characters is 50, and let's say there's 9 so additionally 6 Characters, and I usually go for 20-30 TBT per extra but we'll say 20 for this if the background is transparent... I think for 9 villagers, it would start at 170 TBT. 190 for 10. I think it would be okay to include the mayor for no extra cost, since the price is already so high.Hi, again!
I was wondering if you would consider drawing all of my villagers together (prob similar to how you did Sprinkle)? If so, how much would you charge for it?
It's still runnin'! The lottery works like this:Hello there! I was wondering if this is still going...(I am quite new to this Forum) So do you just pick a number from 1-7 and the random number that gets picked by you is the winner and they get a signature made for them? If that's so, the number that I have picked is 5! :3
Do you do signatures like this (Example Link: http://minty-kitty-art.deviantart.com/art/Animal-Crossing-New-Leaf-392723036) <---- Not mine by the way. Or do you only make maps and art for This Lottery
did you get my pm?
Quality Grade Type:C
What am I drawing?:My OC
Is this from a specific Fandom?:No
Is Background included?:No
Number 1-7:3
Estimated Total:30tbt
Whoops, sorry guys I was away for a bit. Back to business!!
Well, For so many characters I'd probably think a transparent background would be best. The base price for 3 characters is 50, and let's say there's 9 so additionally 6 Characters, and I usually go for 20-30 TBT per extra but we'll say 20 for this if the background is transparent... I think for 9 villagers, it would start at 170 TBT. 190 for 10. I think it would be okay to include the mayor for no extra cost, since the price is already so high.
It's still runnin'! The lottery works like this:
You pick any number between 1 and 7. and I pick a number between 1 and 7 using random.org , and if those numbers match, the request you asked for with your number is completely free of charge, no matter what it was
But, if you do win, you have to stick to the major details you asked for. For example, if you are doing a form for the reference image you provided (a signature-looking mayor with some basic info attached, that's 1 character with a background, in color), you can't suddenly say "Oh I won? Can I add a character?" Because that would change the price and I don't allow a "pay the difference" option.
Anyways, I could try a signature type thing. It would all be pretty much hand-drawn except the fonts. But, with enough description I can give it a go! Still try to stick to the actual form though ^ ^' I draw numbers when the form is submitted and accepted.
Yeeeee broette :3 I'm getting right back on it~
Thanks for the TBT!
Could you try a profile picture sample for me for 5 TBT? Not for me, just a quicky
Depends on what it is. o.o none of the prices start at 5, the lowest I could do is like a light sketch for 10
Okay, could you try an avatar for 10 TBT?