Fields of Mistria?

this is on my backlog of games!! kinda feel bad i didnt invest enough time with coral island, which i should get to
I'm keeping an eye on it, but I'm gonna wait to see what the general consensus is on the full version before getting it—I'm very hopeful for it, but I pretty much never get games in early access. It looks very pretty and I love farming sims, and this one sounds especially promising! I love the sound of animals having rare color variants ;w; if they aren't super-rare shiny Pokémon odds then I'm definitely going to want to collect all of them ahaha
Man. Bumping this thread 'cause their first big update came out a few days ago!
I refused to play it until they patched the 'removing chests and random items' bug, which.. from what I've heard; has been fixed!
I plan on streaming it again sometime soon. ^^

I can't wait until there's MORE updates. This game is very cutesy and relaxing to play.
Wanted to know if anyone else played!

A friend gifted the game to me today. Very excited to try it out!

I heard it's similar to Stardew Valley, even heard from some it's BETTER?!

I'd like to hear everybody's thoughts :3​
I got it on the steam deck played for a bit it’s really cute anime story of seasons / stardew valley clone. I need to play more just so many games so little time I really like the pastel aesthetic
Anyone planning on getting it for Christmas? I am very curious to know if it "rivals" Stardew or not. I like the animal variety I've seen in the trailers and, what I think are more character than Stardew??
i've never played a game in early access before, so i don't really have a sense of how buggy or incomplete a game should feel at that stage. my experience of this early access is that it's outstanding so far. i've had one loading issue lol. i put about 30 hours in to my first play through and stopped once i started hitting heart limits and reached the end of the mines.

i 100% agree with folks who think it's better than stardew valley (which i've played a LOT of- and do love!). the characters and writing are stronger, the aesthetic is better (subjective, but yknow), and there are a lot of built in quality of life things i prefer in this game. stardew obviously has more content at this point, but with a full game i think fields of mistria will hold its own. as much as i want to play more given the recent update, i think i'm going to hold off for a complete game so i can fully enjoy it.

also i'm just really excited to see indie games coming out with dynamic and interesting pixel art. i love a realistic or 3rd modeled game for sure, but i'd love to see a return to this style for something like pokemon.
I got it for the steam deck. I tried it the days are very short as a cute, almost Kawaii vibe. Very colorful I prefer it to stardew but because the days are so short it does get frustrating but worth getting I hope they add a slider to extend the days. I have a few farming sims in my library some I haven’t even tried yet. In the end the only game series I stick with and always go back to is animal crossing.