I live in Canada in a smaller city so the traffic might not be as heavy as where you are from but I'm finding cards just fine. During release day and a few weeks after that it was hard to find cards but now it's fine. Both EB Games locations and Wal-Marts have them, as well as the one Toys R Us. I've been going to Toys R Us for the month of December in order to avoid Christmas shopping lines. xD
Otherwise, you could try to buy some packs from Amazon or Ebay, just watch the prices because some people like to try to rip others off and make more money. >_>
Yeah kinda tried staying away when they were released (it was so hard XD)
Haha, yeah scalpers, don't worry, i'm aware of them >
if i have no luck today, i might just do that :]
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I've seen them in GameStop on the counter, Best Buy with the 3DS cases and accessories, and Walmart on the counter in the Electronics department. If you can't find them in a store, you can order them from Amazon.
Thanks, i'll try looking there :]
and if worse comes to worse, i'll do amazon (and i'll watch-out for scalpers >n>)
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they're not in boxes, but packets similar to ones you get trading cards in. most likely by counters since they're quite small.
ah, yeah, that's what i meant XD
I can see why you might have thought i meant boxes in the retro-spect of boxes you rip open, but i mean boxes you find those MLP blind-bags in.
I'll keep a look out then :3 cause i remember the pokemon trading craze xD
(I tend to use that term loosely, and it shows DX btw, i hope i'm not offending you, its really early in the morning for me)