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Finding ACNL

Just get it digital so you don't have to worry about availability or shipping speeds. I trust my 3DS to not die out more than I trust a flimsy little game card won't be destroyed.
I'm lucky because I live in Ireland, and nobody here cares as much about the game as me so I get all the bundles to myself :)<
I think as long as you preorder it, you will have no problem getting the game. There are a lot of English players, but not enough for the game to be sold out.
I doubt there will be any kind of shortage of physical copies where I live, but I could see it being sold out in major cities maybe. It's not really a big issue because of the eShop, though.

I pre-ordered my copy on the Gamestop site and chose in-store pick up so I'm set unless the store I chose screws up... but if that happens I'll just download it. I'd much rather have a physical copy though so I can touch it all the time forever. ლ(΄◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
I doubt there will be any kind of shortage of physical copies where I live, but I could see it being sold out in major cities maybe. It's not really a big issue because of the eShop, though.

I pre-ordered my copy on the Gamestop site and chose in-store pick up so I'm set unless the store I chose screws up... but if that happens I'll just download it. I'd much rather have a physical copy though so I can touch it all the time forever. ლ(΄◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
I think you just became one of my favorite people
God, that face is amazing blown up.

I'm worried that they might not have the bundle. They said they're not sure how many they're getting so nobody can pre-order them or anything. Though as someone pointed out calling and asking them to reserve it on June 8th is a good idea. I think I'm gonna do that.
Eh, I'm not worried about it. I've got it pre-ordered from Amazon. From the most niche game to the most popular game out there, I've never had Amazon not be able to get pre-ordered games to me. I'll get my game several days after a lot of you, but I'm OK with that.
It's not like you can't get the game back.
The save data saves to your SD card, and if your 3DS breaks you can redownload the game when you get it repaired/replaced.

The whole skepticism against downloading is a little silly, IMO.

Not when you consider everything as a whole. Google it, there are planty of reasons that gamers aren't downloading from Nintendo until they sort themselves out. Plus the repair price they want over here could actually buy you a nice little secondhand console, it's extortionate!!

But certainly over here there won't be any stock problems, it isn't that popular and plenty of stock for each game is available in each physical retailer. I preordered to get it early and because it was cheaper to do this than buy it in a shop :)
Not when you consider everything as a whole. Google it, there are planty of reasons that gamers aren't downloading from Nintendo until they sort themselves out. Plus the repair price they want over here could actually buy you a nice little secondhand console, it's extortionate!!

But certainly over here there won't be any stock problems, it isn't that popular and plenty of stock for each game is available in each physical retailer. I preordered to get it early and because it was cheaper to do this than buy it in a shop :)

Stock is available, but that doesn't mean that retailers will just go ahead and order a load of copies of a game they haven't heard many people talking about.

Pre-order just makes too much sense on titles that aren't Call of Duty these days, lol.
What? Since when?

EDIT: I mean, yeah, you can redownload from your current 3DS if you delete it but your Club Nintendo account doesn't give you any redownloading rights. If you break or lose your 3DS and can't do a system transfer, there is no way to redownload without contacting Nintendo support and figuring it out with them.

This is what I was talking about, thanks for wording it better Justin!! They want a crime number before they consider giving you money to download all the games again if lost/stolen, but still doesn't guarantee they'll do it
Not when you consider everything as a whole. Google it, there are planty of reasons that gamers aren't downloading from Nintendo until they sort themselves out. Plus the repair price they want over here could actually buy you a nice little secondhand console, it's extortionate!!

There isn't anything to look up. The chances that someone is going to break their console are less than the chances that they would lose their game cartridge. People are so caught up in "what if" that it blinds them into thinking one option is superior to the other.

The repair prices are pretty high, but if you've broken your console to the point of not being able to play it, then they're essentially just giving you a new console anyway. And to get your game back you just need to contact them about it when you plan on sending it in for repairs.

The only thing Nintendo doesn't have sorted out is linking purchases to accounts. Which I doubt they will ever do.
Demonizing Nintendo shouldn't be used to misinform people about downloading games, either.
There isn't anything to look up. The chances that someone is going to break their console are less than the chances that they would lose their game cartridge. People are so caught up in "what if" that it blinds them into thinking one option is superior to the other.

The repair prices are pretty high, but if you've broken your console to the point of not being able to play it, then they're essentially just giving you a new console anyway. And to get your game back you just need to contact them about it when you plan on sending it in for repairs.

The only thing Nintendo doesn't have sorted out is linking purchases to accounts. Which I doubt they will ever do.
Demonizing Nintendo shouldn't be used to misinform people about downloading games, either.

I'm not "demonising", not "misinforming", I was presenting nothing but facts which you are obviously unaware of by this ridiculous statement. Note in the quote you used from me "why gamers aren't downloading", not why I'm or you should not download I include no slander, no libel and nothing that hasn't been raised elsewhere including here. There is ALWAYS something to look up, if someone doesn't research into what they're looking to do then more fool them, I never part with cash until looking into all avenues for anything (electronics, supplementary feed for my horse, even protective cases for phones etc).

Show me where I am misinforming or demonising or presenting anything except fact and I'll change my statement.

And I have a few downloaded titles (NL will also be one) so I never even said I wasn't doing it. People have to be fair when giving information, I prefer to give all that I have found as I wouldn't want to have withheld information and then an issue occur when I knew of it all along but said nothing. But when there are people out there like you who see "demonising" wher it does not exist and only ever on one side of the argument insisting everything's rosy, people never get both sides. And that's sad, people should be fully informed, especially when spending hard earned money (sometimes having to save for a long time) on a one-time buy kinda thing.

'What if' exists everywhere and you are not going to get rid of it single handedly so that point is moot. I'm done with people saying that I'm spreading lies etc when it's all true and the people telling me it's not true won't even do the research for themselves. Well I'm sorry, but your ignorance shows you up (you is meant as in a whole, I'm mentioning no names as there are plenty who are one sided without researching and this encompasses all of them).

Anyway it's hometime and I've had enough of work today, see you all tomorrow :D !!!
I preordered mine just to be safe!! :) (Where I am in the UK, I dont think its all that popular soooo.....)
and I pretty much always buy physicals because then I can trade them in when im done (when its games I want to play and part with) :p
I'm buying mines digitally, so I'm good. It feels like I'm the only one with a 3DS around here anyway, so I'm safe either way.
I'm not concerned. There has only been one time a game I wanted has been sold out (Xenoblade Chronicles) and I think that was because there wasn't enough stock to meet demand. I doubt animal crossing new leaf will have the same problem (especially if I get the game day one)

I'm not completely against getting a digital copy though, if it happens to be cheaper that might be extra incentive.
I've known about NL since it was announced, basically. My copy has been on preorder since about 6 months after the release of the 3DS, so I know I'll have one. But around here nobody plays AC, pretty much, so I could probably buy a copy at either GameStop or Walmart on the release date. I don't really like digital copies anyways, so downloading it wasn't an option for me. Besides, when they announced it was going to have a digital download, I'd already paid for the game and had it on preorder for months.