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Finding the Future: A short story


After Mon and Tues, even the calendar says WTF
Feb 15, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
July Birthstone (Ruby)
S.S. Dolphin
Chocolate Cake
New Horizons Token
Green Candy
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Father's Day Carnation
Cherry (Fruit)
Apple (Fruit)
Ok, so I had to write this for English class. It seems a little rushed near the end, however, I had to keep it under 1000 words *cries*. I still went over though. :(

If you want to read it, please look in the spoiler!

If you want to commission me, check the spoiler below. I do proofreading, editing, ghostwriting, fanfics, poetry etc. I have the right to refuse anything, without reason. I also speak and write in French.

I will NOT do

- Super gory
- Topics I'm not super familiar with or don't have access to learning about


Finding the Future

?Destiny! Destiny, stop!? She cried ?What good will come from this?? I turned to her, her eyes gleamed with a hidden innocence. ?I don?t care!? I shouted ?the world never cared about me, so why should I do what?s good for them??

That?s how it all began.

I saw it coming, that?s the problem, I saw everything coming. I am clairvoyant, psychic, as some may say. I saw the future, I saw the destruction coming. I never anticipated it to be this much.

I came into a clearing; the place where I was created. I wasn?t born, I was created by Zircothe, Appointer of Death. He created me in a flash of purple plasma, he gave me powers, he called me ?Destiny?.

?Master Zircothe? I whisper, as I bow. I hear a low voice grumble: ?Destiny, you have come back.? I walked deeper into his lair of darkness. I see the skeletons of weaklings scattered around his cave. No man ever came near to slaying this great beast of the night.

?Master Zircothe, Appointer of Death? I said, showing respect by giving his full title. Dragons are very courteous and really appreciate respect.

He answered in a low growl, which was barely audible ?a great danger is arising upon the earth, it is up to you to stop it.? ?Wait, what!?? I interrupted ?how do I stop this danger? What even is it?? ?Calm down? he said quite calmly, considering I just interrupted an extremely powerful dragon, who feeds off the souls of dying men.

After a few moments of dead silence passes, he spoke: ?the powers I gave you, the clairvoyance and the power to read minds, there is more to come, however, it has all lead up to this.?

With that, he vanished into a cloud of black smoke. I was extremely confused, what could he mean?

Dusk fell quickly that day and soon, the sky was masked by a sea of stars. The stars were scattered in a realm of darkness. It was clearly portrayed; the light in the darkness, it was to be my guide. After much thought, I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to see a girl standing in front of me. She looked to be around 15 years old. I did not scream or question her. Instead, I read her mind. She was thinking about a paper, with words that I couldn?t quite make out. With that she spoke: ?The paper that you see? she began ?it represents the prophecy, which is told in poetic clues. You are the one in this prophecy, you are the one meant to save us.?

?What? What prophecy? Save who?? I began to ask. ?The entire world counts on you, Destiny.? She pulled a book out of a pocket that was inside of her coat. ?Take a look? she whispered.

The page I turned to was blank. In fact, the entire book was blank. Before I said a word, the girl pulled out a vial of some sort of serum. She speaks softly ?this will make the prophecy appear.? She took out a little brush and dipped it into the vial.

She held the book in the air and muttered some inaudible words. Then the writing appeared. It read:

?Inside this verse, the world will end
Ending life as you know all will be still,
Time will stop, the dead will ascend,
Time to fight, we go for the kill.?

?Well that?s tragic? I said sarcastically. ?You need to sacrifice your powers for them? she whispers. ?My powers?? I question. ?Yes, that?s what they want, the power of clairvoyance and the ability to read minds. Not to mention the telepathy.? She smirked. ?Telepathy!?? I shouted, exasperated. ?I can talk to people with my mind!?? ?Yes, yes, don?t get too excited.? She whispered harshly.

?No!? I shouted, finally coming back to reality. ?I can?t give up my powers!? ?You must? she stated. That?s when I decided to bolt. I ran and I ran. I stopped for nothing.

?Destiny! Destiny, stop!? She cried ?What good will come from this?? I turned to her, her eyes gleamed with a hidden innocence. ?I don?t care!? I shouted ?the world never cared about me, so why should I do what?s good for them??

I kept running. Finally, it dawned upon me. Earth was my home too. I was built exactly like a human, I was just created with powers that a human could only dream of. If I don?t save the earth, I?m not any better than humans.

I stopped, and yelled out to her ?let?s do this!? She looked surprised. ?Okay, good? she said ?I was about to get violent? she winked.

She started to chant. It was in a tongue that I didn?t understand, I listened, but couldn?t make out anything. Spirits started to rise, one representing each race: elves, vampires, werewolves, humans, orcs and otherkin. Otherkin are anything else, as there were too many different races for me to name.

The elf spirit came towards me. He put his thumb on my forehead and began to take my powers. He took them, but I saw the werewolf spirit was looking at me. He transformed into human form, he winked and transformed back. The spirits then left me, and when I looked around, I was completely alone. The girl was gone too. However, the book was there on the ground. I picked it up and read the verse again. It?s then that I noticed it, the part she kept from me:

?The wolf?s powers returned once more
The giver shall be ever thanked,
The powers they have shall restore.?

My powers didn?t restore. I waited and waited. 3 full moons passed and still nothing. I woke up in utter despair that night. I was devastated. I vowed to never tell anyone if I ever got them back.

Zircothe never returned. I vowed to get revenge on the elven spirit. I know what you?re thinking. How will I do it without my powers? Well, didn?t I just say ?I know what you?re thinking??

Rates: (in tbt)

Proofreading: 30-50 tbt per page (Given the font is Times New Roman 12)
Editing: (WARNING: My editing becomes really hardcore, if you don't want tons of edits, please state that) 50-75 tbt per page
Proofreading and Editing deal! LIMITED TIME ONLY! 100 tbt per page

Written works:
Sonnets-14 tbt (14 lines in a sonnet lol)
Free verse-5 tbt per 3/4 page
Rhyming verse (you choose the rhyme scheme)-7 tbt per 3/4 page


Ranges from 25 tbt to 120 tbt, depending on complexity, length and such.

GHOSTWRITING!! (This is where I write, and you can use my work however you want, with no credit to me)

50-200+ tbt depends on length, complexity and if I have knowledge of the topic.

A sonnet example:

Sonnet #1
Watching myself scream through my demon?s eyes
There is nowhere to run, nothing inside
I begin to hear my deafening cries
Nothing I can do, nowhere to hide

I once thought that I had a lasting life
That?s when I learned the sacredness it had
Until they came with their bitter knife
Do I deserve this pain? Am I that bad?

The possession I have will be let go;
I will see you again, I promise soon
Inside the dying light, I see your glow
I will not be your sunlight, but your moon

To keep you from the darkness of the night
As the sun only appears in daylight

Free verse example:

The Story of my Life
Hide your tears,
Your scars,
Your pain
I cry out
Nobody is here to save me
Nobody wants to be my hero
The tears burn into my skin,
The searing cuts begin to form
I am drowning in my own sorrow,
Suffocating in my own tragedy,
The tragedy my life has become
I am nothing
The thoughts cloud my mind,
Causing my wounds to run even deeper,
My blood to run even thicker
A deafening silence,
All is still
I open my eyes to see only darkness,
The emptiness of myself,
What I truly am
Enough with the act,
I am done,
Done with what I am,
Done with what I am becoming
My life is a book
I?m here to write it
I wipe away the tears,
As I grab my pen,
This is my story,
It?s not ending here

Another free verse example

Untitled Poem
You say the world is against you
You act like nothing is ever right
Your life is in ruins,
Your heart is aching
Lost all hope
You are in complete despair
Breaking down
Time flows by,
Leaving you helpless
You act like the world is against you
When really,
It?s you against yourself
Yeah, it's cool so far!
The only thing I picked up on was that you haven't put a new line for a new speaker....but the actual content is good, so eh ^-^

- - - Post Merge - - -

And ooh nice poems haha
Yeah, it's cool so far!
The only thing I picked up on was that you haven't put a new line for a new speaker....but the actual content is good, so eh ^-^

- - - Post Merge - - -

And ooh nice poems haha

Thanks, Nightmares! Also, I love the new avatar!! :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah, it's cool so far!
The only thing I picked up on was that you haven't put a new line for a new speaker....but the actual content is good, so eh ^-^

- - - Post Merge - - -

And ooh nice poems haha

Thanks, Nightmares! Also, I love the new avatar!! :)