Fire Emblem Fates General Discussion: Filled with Nohrian Scum

Is there anyone who got feedbacks from castle visits? Me and my friend visited each other but we didn't get anything D:

Did you go to the crystal ball and select update data? You should be able to get your recent feedback from doing so.
The first 2 paid DLC maps are coming out tomorrow, being Boo Camp and Beach Brawl!
i want someone to hack the game so i can marry the girls without having to make a male corrin. i mean A+ supports to me is almost there with how similar it is to marriage (minus the cuddling **** you do with your partner) regarding seals, so i dont think it would be too hard to modify the game.

honestly havent touched nohr that much and i like hoshido a lot better. one thing that confuses me is that nohr is harder than hoshido. why? nohr obviously has the superior army, so wouldnt it make sense for nohr to be easier than hoshido? infiltrating a huge military kingdom is not easy. but i heard nohr has harder objectives so that may be it.

Your wish came true?
"US: Fire Emblem Fates Boasts The Best-Ever Launch For The Series"

Thank you, Awakening, for making sure the franchise didn't DIE. I wouldn't have gotten to experience it much otherwise. @.@
It's not really a very noteworthy accomplishment considering these games released after Awakening and actually got proper advertisement. Of course they would have the highest launch sales, with all the new fans Awakening brought in. It seems like an obvious thing that doesn't really need reporting. One has to wonder how the previous games would have sold if Nintendo put half of the effort into advertising them that they did with these last two.
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Has anyone gotten a Blessed Lance in Birthright without BP? I can't find one anywhere, and I don't want to have to do pointless (One-turn) battles again and again. I hope someone can help. Thanks!
I've basically been blazing through the story on Casual mode my first time around so I'll be just about the worst person to ask where anything is. Sorry. ;;

On another note, I finished the Birthright route just now. That just leaves Revelations, which I'll be starting in about two hours when my brain recovers.

I'm actually glad I started with Conquest first because something about Birthright's ending makes a bit more of an impact with a very specific moment that I won't detail further because "ow".
Just finished Birthright. Wow. I enjoyed this game as much as I enjoyed Awakening. Very much worth the buy!
Onward to Conquest now!
Just finished Birthright. Wow. I enjoyed this game as much as I enjoyed Awakening. Very much worth the buy!
Onward to Conquest now!

Woah, we finished pretty close to each-other! lol

I think I'm more attached to the Nohr family, but

1. I was biased from the beginning
2. I played it first because of this bias
3. "Little prince/ss"
I've basically been blazing through the story on Casual mode my first time around so I'll be just about the worst person to ask where anything is. Sorry. ;;

On another note, I finished the Birthright route just now. That just leaves Revelations, which I'll be starting in about two hours when my brain recovers.

I'm actually glad I started with Conquest first because something about Birthright's ending makes a bit more of an impact with a very specific moment that I won't detail further because "ow".

same, i really like how takumi's actions are so mysterious in conquest until like last chapter whereas it explains it earlier in birthright. i probably wouldn't have enjoyed conquest if i knew about the whole thing from the beginning, and i actually cried.. but playing birthright afterwards was just like. oh ok
Idk if I want to grind supports and possibly make my units more powerful than they should or save the kids for later :( I'm at Birthright chapter 17
The units I've been using have hit the base class level cap so I'm just taking the time to grind out supports.

Was testing out supports, forgot to reset and absentmindedly saved so I wound up pairing Azura and Silas, oops. From the looks of it Sophie would probably make a good Samurai with Azura as her parent, but I don't wanna have to spawn pickleboy.