Fire Emblem Fates General Discussion: Filled with Nohrian Scum

Try to level units early! Most DLC will scale with your story progression. Units getting left behind can get demolished by DLC and Paralogue units. ;o;
I was hoping to grind supports once I had all the characters, but I should have started sooner, haha.
Just wondering what class for Camilla between these two most people think is better.
Malig knight or wyvern lord?
Gosh, I really want this game... Awakening was so amazing; probably so good I can say it's my favourite 3DS game. I hate how the UK has to wait for the European release dates. The same goes for Australia.. why can't we have an Anglosphere region? :mad:
Try to level units early! Most DLC will scale with your story progression. Units getting left behind can get demolished by DLC and Paralogue units. ;o;
I was hoping to grind supports once I had all the characters, but I should have started sooner, haha.
Will do! Honestly I've been mostly putting off the story in Birthright because of that and just doing challenges while roaming castle to castle inbetween. While a vast majority of units I'll probably never choose willingly, I do want to get them up to snuff just in case.
Fates still isn't listed on Amazon France; no idea why they are so slow about it. x_x
My favorite of the three, now that Im nearly finished with them all, was definitely revelations, although Nohr was really good as well. The only downside to revelations was the fact that when you got new characters, you got them late enough in the game to where you would have to stop and grind them a little for them to stand a chance on the battlefield, a problem I didn't have in the other two. I was so excited when
Flora joined your army. I was sad when she didn't join in the other two versions because I really liked her character

EDIT: so apparently you can get Flora in Nohr via my castle requirements? I had no cle until just a few seconds ago lol
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Is anyone planning to reclass Azura? (Not just to get skills, but to maker her whatever class and have her stay in that class.) Letting people move twice in a turn is great, but it feels so limited that she only has 5 spaces of movement per turn, and her HP and defenses are so horrid that she's going to die if anything hits her, and it's hard to stay away from enemies when you can barely move and you have to be right next to other units to make use of that ability. But the only other class that she has access to (without counting in marriage and friend classes) is Sky Knight, and there's PLENTY of those in Birthright and Revelation that are also better so... what do you do with her? A Falcon Knight could be helpful in Conquest (not completely sure but it could help since it is limited being a Hoshidan class), but she may also be decent as a Dark Falcon when that class is released. Nevermind I just looked up her caps and growths, her magic stat is just as bad as her... everything else that isn't speed and skill. Olivia was an excellent Dark Flier in Awakening but that's because her magic stat was decent and her death wasn't certain if an enemy attacked her. Also Olivia was the mom of one of the best child units that was also completely different from her while Shigure is a great Falcon Knight who has access to other classes so he kinda just overshadows Azura.
So how is everyone else planning on using her?
The game is so beautiful; can't wait till revelation comes out and be downloadable for all! I still need to finish playing birthright and I'm half way through. I wonder if they'll make another fire emblem game after revelation...?
My favorite of the three, now that Im nearly finished with them all, was definitely revelations, although Nohr was really good as well. The only downside to revelations was the fact that when you got new characters, you got them late enough in the game to where you would have to stop and grind them a little for them to stand a chance on the battlefield, a problem I didn't have in the other two. I was so excited when
Flora joined your army. I was sad when she didn't join in the other two versions because I really liked her character

yeah i was afraid that is what would happen.
oh well though. i would always rather play with getting all the characters still.
Man now I want to pick up Conquest too but $$$ :( plus, I really want to get access to all characters and see everyone interact with each other so Revelations would be my best bet, but seeing the Nohr side of the story and more objectives is tempting too. Aughhh

In other words, picked up all the kids so all that's left is completing the story. Might start a Hard playthrough or mess around with classes more while waiting for Revelations to be released. I hope that one support in Revelations get patched too :x
Which support in Revelation?

Depending on which character is involved, I can take a look. As long as it's not the one involving M!Corrin, since I only ever play female MUs lol;
Which support in Revelation?

Depending on which character is involved, I can take a look. As long as it's not the one involving M!Corrin, since I only ever play female MUs lol;
The infamous Saizo/Beluka support, which had dialog about their background as assassins on the JP support, but silent (literally just exchanging ... ) in the NA support.

I was hoping that was a mistake on their part and they'll add the dialogue once Revelations is released to the public. That's really my only gripe with the localization :c
Ahhhh, I see. Maybe I can take a peek later. >o<


The OST image is lovely.~
I started, but for financial reasons, had to stop.

I only have most of the first set, and second set, including a lot of the SR cards.

The last pack I pulled ever I got SR Camilla. <3

On a different note, level-ups in Lunatic appear to be fixed. No matter how many times I reset, no matter who levels off what enemy, they get the same level-ups as far as their stats go.Even the order characters level up in doesn't seem to matter.

I noticed the level ups being fixed in Lunatic. I don't recall level ups ever being that way in any other fire emblem game. Since I can't test this in Lunatic yet, I have a question to ask. Would level ups be different if you have the Aptitude ability equipped or is Aptitude completely useless in Lunatic?
Mozu gets some rad level-ups so I'm going to say it's still useful. It's still not a guarantee, but she does pretty well.
Even so, I was asking if Aptitude would change the fixed level ups for Mozu if you have it equipped. I'm just curious.
**** i cannot even beat chapter 8 of conquest on hard what the **** i beat all the ****ing enemies besides the boss, and the objective is to seize, so i get all my units and have them all attack him at full health but he has that ****ing NOSFEUERURUTUU AND I CANT EVEN KILL HIM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I AM ****ED I WAS ****ED FROM THE BEGINNING I CANT BELIEVE I WASTED MY TIMEEEEEEEE
can anyone use the Japanese code that comes in the cipher decks?
i have two if anyone needs/can use them.