Ugh I hope so! While they are at is I would also like Harvest Moon 64! ^-^ (Whoops! Forgot to mention in my PM that I am a HUGE Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Rune Factory fan! I have literally all of those games. I love virtual farming and wooing villagers! Since you are a blank slate it works, and you build an actual family. Some games have rival marriages where candidates marry each other, but not all and the pairings usually worked well. I just don't want excessive wooing in my FE games because they are tactical war games not dating sims!)
One of my friends has talked about how nice Harvest Moon is. I've never played it before but I'm definitely going to have to see about playing it in the future. Is 64 the best compared to stuff released before or since in the series?
As for the dating sim and excessive wooing, yeah, it's annoying. It's too in your face now and leaves nothing to the imagination. We even know how their children turn out because they come back from the future or were shoved into some stupid other dimension to justify their presence. If characters are going to get together, I like for them to keep what happens vague so you can imagine for yourself.
YES! As a woman I find it insulting! What kind of knight goes into battle dressed like that!? Titania had perfectly respectable armor, and she was still gorgeous! Jill and Astrid too! All of the armor used to make sense to the class. I could forgive the short-ish skirts because the classes with them needed them for high mobility (myrmidon, halberdier, and mages) or to keep weight down (Pegasus knights) and they weren't meant to take direct blows from enemies. They were meant to be protected or dodge, so it was logical. There is nothing logical about a front lines warrior being half-naked! Like seriously!? They could chop off your leg, arm, head, or stab you in the heart with zero resistance because it is all exposed! It makes me grumpy and makes me feel like they see me (a woman) as an object AND someone who is clearly not interested in their games! If they add boob jiggle I am gone forever!
Not only that, but I heard that no one in Fates wears shoes as sort of a joke about how Awakening characters didn't have feet on their models. Is that true? If so that's even more stupid, because you're going to twist your ankle or step on rocks out on a battlefield.
Yes! Like some of the supports are painful to read because these people CLEARLY don't belong together! Then there is the fact that you can't have Chrom marry Cordelia even though she is already in love with him before the game starts! Then in every support she has the other man will reference that 'they know they aren't Chrom, but they hope she will settle for them and they will make her happy.' That whole thing is incredibly depressing to me! Like there are characters I would like to have together in PoR (Ike/Elincia, Ilyana/Zihark, Lethe/Ranulf, etc.), but you can't and that's ok because life isn't always perfect! I agree with quality over quantity and I wish they would treat bi, trans, gay, and lesbian relationships better. The support where they trick the girl out of being a lesbian is distressing to say the least! ;^; Again I have to go back to Ike and Soren. While it isn't explicitly stated that either is gay, their relationship is written with wonderful subtlety and just enough subtext that you have the freedom to decide what you think their relationship is. Yet neither is defined by their sexuality (whether gay, bi, or straight) and they are well-written and well-developed characters in their own right! We need more of that and less ' Oh you're a lesbian? Well here drink this, be straight, and marry me instead!', or 'Hey check out the stereotypical/token hot lesbian and flamboyant gay man who had no personality except for their sexual preference!' >:C
I will need to check out Shining Force I guess. I have never heard of it. I HIGHLY recommend Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (the remake of FFT for PSP). It is amazing! The story revolves around politics and religion and it is so well written! It was my 1st tactical RPG and it holds a special place in my heart! I have Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together and it is quite good. I would also recommend Jeanne d'Arc as well. As far a the Nintendo systems go, maybe check out the demo for Stella Glow in the eShop as it was good enough that I bought the game after. I have also gotten Mercenaries Saga 2 and it is good but kinda short. It's only $4.99 though so prob worth checking out!
Shining Force was kind of Sega's answer to Fire Emblem, though I have no idea if that was actually their intent. Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention is the first game, and there's an entire series of games after that. You can find it and Shining Force II on the Wii Virtual Console if that thing is still open, dunno about Wii U since I haven't checked.
I've honestly never played a Final Fantasy game, partly because all of the popularity kind of pushed me away and the newer stuff seems awful. A friend has really been making Final Fantasy 6 sound appealing to me though, so I might hop in on that. Does Final Fantasy Tactics utilize characters from the main series or is it all separate? Will I be confused since I'm not familiar with the franchise?
I'll look into Jeanne d'Arc, Stella Glow, and Mercenaries Saga 2, and finally get around to trying Tactics Ogre upon your recommendation. Thanks.
By the way, while we're tossing around tactics games, I heard of something that might interest you. Shouzou Kaga, the original creator of Fire Emblem, made a free game recently. You might already be aware of this since you frequent Serenes Forest, but I figured it was worth a mention. I don't know if anyone has gotten around to translating it to English yet though.
I thought so, but boooo! ;^; I will have to figure how to level up late game people I guess. I usually reserve all of my bonus exp for Elincia so she is useful when you finally get her, but maybe I should reassess... Do you use Elincia or do you just try to guard her and keep her low-level? I liked her so once I realized she was a usable unit in the late game my strategy became to save the bonus exp to get her to a usable level when she comes in.
Honestly, I don't generally use Elincia in Path of Radiance. My team is usually so full of other good units that I just don't really bother to add her. I also tend to have Marcia, so other than being thematically appropriate, I just never found a reason to justify her addition in my past runs.
She is amazing though in Radiant Dawn, because her sword Amiti is basically an unbreakable Brave Sword and her stats are great. Just take the Mercy skill off of her, because with it she'll leave opponents alive at 1 HP and that makes it hard for her to properly level up.
I was afraid of that... Why must they give us a raven and not let us use her properly! :< Are the wolves worth using then? I was also excited for them. I will say though... I am pretty good at manipulating a battle to grind out experience. I will basically keep a unit alive and hit it over and over with my units that need exp and heal it before it dies with the clerics. That way everyone gets to level up decently! ;P Only limitation with that is money and time. It feels kinda cheap that you can do bonus battles to level everyone in the newer games. Like, clearly your objective is not ACTUALLY that important since you can afford to take time out and do unnecessary battles. It hurts the story and urgency of it all IMO.
For as much as I like Radiant Dawn for being a continuation of the Tellius story, the nature of its structure is unfortunate. A lot of interesting units just don't get their chance.
The wolf laguz are worth using, though moreso Nailah than Volug. You don't want to use Nailah early game though, because she is so crazy strong that she'll obliterate anything and cost your lower-leveled Dawn Brigade units precious experience.
Also yeah, I do the same thing to level units as you mentioned. If a chapter doesn't offer worthwhile Bonus Experience for quick completion or if I just want to catch someone up without wasting BEXP, it's useful.
I usually just use Soren and Ilyana. Oh Soren... My sweet, sweet Soren... When I put myself into the game for fanfic purposes he is my boyfriend every time! ^///^ <3 Soren is a freaking one man army so he ends up being front line despite his low defense and almost never gets hit. Crits and multiple hits all day! <3 Ilyana is super solid and she comes in early enough to be really useful. I have used Tormod once or twice, and he is ok but I usually don't have room for him. I have never used Calil or Bastian because they come too late for me.
Yeah, it's kind of a shame Calil and Bastian come in so late. Bastian in particular has a fun character but I've never not leveled a different mage instead and that would be the only way he'd ever see the light of day.