One of my friends has talked about how nice Harvest Moon is. I've never played it before but I'm definitely going to have to see about playing it in the future. Is 64 the best compared to stuff released before or since in the series?
Moved to PM convo. As an additional small note about my OC... IRL my eyes are brown, not green, but everything else is accurate including the little birthmark/beauty spot. ^-^
As for the dating sim and excessive wooing, yeah, it's annoying. It's too in your face now and leaves nothing to the imagination. We even know how their children turn out because they come back from the future or were shoved into some stupid other dimension to justify their presence. If characters are going to get together, I like for them to keep what happens vague so you can imagine for yourself.
Indeed! I hate the epilogue in the Harry Potter series for that reason. I want to decide what happens after the story ends! :<
Not only that, but I heard that no one in Fates wears shoes as sort of a joke about how Awakening characters didn't have feet on their models. Is that true? If so that's even more stupid, because you're going to twist your ankle or step on rocks out on a battlefield.
Nah everyone wears shoes except the avatar character and I think on other person. It is still dumb though! Your feet would be torn to shreds!
Shining Force was kind of Sega's answer to Fire Emblem, though I have no idea if that was actually their intent. Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention is the first game, and there's an entire series of games after that. You can find it and Shining Force II on the Wii Virtual Console if that thing is still open, dunno about Wii U since I haven't checked.
I looked up some screenshots and it looks pretty good! I will definitely be checking it out! Thanks!
I've honestly never played a Final Fantasy game, partly because all of the popularity kind of pushed me away and the newer stuff seems awful. A friend has really been making Final Fantasy 6 sound appealing to me though, so I might hop in on that. Does Final Fantasy Tactics utilize characters from the main series or is it all separate? Will I be confused since I'm not familiar with the franchise?
Bah I don't like FF either. Tactics is completely separate from the main series of games. A few characters from other FF games can be brought in, but you have to work to find them and they are mostly just there for easter egg purposes. You will not be confused at all I promise! I wish it wasn't even called Final Fantasy because it is so different. One interesting thing is that you don't really have 'characters' to play with. There are plenty of special units you can use, but you also get a lot of blank slate characters and you can change what 'job' (ie knight, squire, archer, black mage, white mage, etc.) any time you want. Despite that the story is great and there is tons of depth!
I'll look into Jeanne d'Arc, Stella Glow, and Mercenaries Saga 2, and finally get around to trying Tactics Ogre upon your recommendation. Thanks.
No problem! I hope you like them! I always get nervous when I recommend things to people...
By the way, while we're tossing around tactics games, I heard of something that might interest you. Shouzou Kaga, the original creator of Fire Emblem, made a free game recently. You might already be aware of this since you frequent Serenes Forest, but I figured it was worth a mention. I don't know if anyone has gotten around to translating it to English yet though.
I had not, but I will definitely look into it! Thanks!
Honestly, I don't generally use Elincia in Path of Radiance. My team is usually so full of other good units that I just don't really bother to add her. I also tend to have Marcia, so other than being thematically appropriate, I just never found a reason to justify her addition in my past runs.
She is amazing though in Radiant Dawn, because her sword Amiti is basically an unbreakable Brave Sword and her stats are great. Just take the Mercy skill off of her, because with it she'll leave opponents alive at 1 HP and that makes it hard for her to properly level up.
I am a sucker for the thematically appropriate so that is how I end up stuck with her! XD Maybe I will have her sit out though since she is fine in RD even if you don't level her.
For as much as I like Radiant Dawn for being a continuation of the Tellius story, the nature of its structure is unfortunate. A lot of interesting units just don't get their chance.
Very much so! :<
The wolf laguz are worth using, though moreso Nailah than Volug. You don't want to use Nailah early game though, because she is so crazy strong that she'll obliterate anything and cost your lower-leveled Dawn Brigade units precious experience.
Also yeah, I do the same thing to level units as you mentioned. If a chapter doesn't offer worthwhile Bonus Experience for quick completion or if I just want to catch someone up without wasting BEXP, it's useful.
Ah! Good to know! I would hope that Nailah was seriously OP! She is Queen so she should be Tibarn/Naesala level OP! ^-^ Also glad to hear someone else grinds out the exp too! I usually start that as soon as Mist and Rolf join. I can't remember what chapter it is, but it is on the coast and you only have to capture so there is no time limit. Bonus exp doesn't really matter for that battle so I just grind it out until Rolf's bow breaks and Rhys and Mist are out of healing.
Yeah, it's kind of a shame Calil and Bastian come in so late. Bastian in particular has a fun character but I've never not leveled a different mage instead and that would be the only way he'd ever see the light of day.
Yeah he is pretty fun, but, as you said, mages are well covered by that point. Same issue with Geoffrey and Lucia for me.