Shop FireNinja1's Department Store

Hey sorry we couldn't trade yesterday I was busy plot resetting a villager. Are you currently available to trade now or some time today?

ding ding ding post 1000 whoo!

Okay, now that that's out of my system, yeah, just PM me when you're online or something.
Can I buy the whole alpine set for 100k? I have some bush starts, which ones do you want?
I was hoping to buy the three seasonal sets while the deal is going on but there is the two set limit so I'll just buy the jingle and Harvest sets for 200k.
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I was hoping to buy the three seasonal sets while the deal is going on buy there is the two set limit so I'll just buy the jingle and Harvest sets for 200k.

Alright, uh, I'll get to you in a bit.

ACNL noodle, I've VMed you about your order.