inactive: please read "about" tab on profile
1m, maybe? 700k is still a bit low.
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850k? :31m, maybe? 700k is still a bit low.
May I order 2 Sagittarius Arrows, a Merlion, kitchen tile, shower, slate flooring? how does 90k sound? cx
Yes. VMing.Could I order the natty dress, leaf bed and slushie machine for 50K?
Thank you!
Oh, and my FC is 1349-6462-4780 !
FN, you added those Feindra tags, didn't you??? I added the hi fireninja.
Can I have the Alpine bed, Alpine dresser, Alpine kitchen cart, Alpine panel, Large alpine table, Rococo chair, Rococo dresser, Rococo shelf, Rococo sofa, Rococo wardrobe and Rococo floor? Is 100K enough?
how much would alpine bed, closet, dresser, table, rug, shelf & wall be? also can i order rococo set too?
Hey! Can I get the Robo set for 150k?
Yes, you may. Can we trade later today, say, in half an hour or so?
Can you add me please? Read the bulletin board if I'm AFK. Thanks!
Doing so now. Gates opening soon.