10k ballet outfit
Sure. Let me know when you're ready.40k?
10k ballet outfit
Ballet outfit for 10k also?
800k for the following?
aquarius urn
aries rocking chair
aurora screen
autumn-leaf chair
capricorn ornament
double-neck guitar
eraser sofa
fireworks table
full-moon vanity
leaf bed
notebook bed
notebook floor
notebook wall
notebook wardrobe
palm-tree lamp
pencil screen
pile of leaves
raccoon wall clock
rainbow screen
rice-plant bed
sagittarius arrow
set square table
sprout table
sunrise lamp
taurus bathtub
tree-stump chair
When will the items be available? My FC is 4184-2299-0511.
Okay, I don't wish my items to be voided for the 1 week wait is all. I am available after 6pm PST on Mondays and Weds and then I will be available for next weekend.
I'm trying to look at the list but it won't load for me so do you have a hospital screen? c;
Yes. Also I have the hospital screen, just offer.It's ok if you can't find them but can I buy 4 classic tables for 40k?
15k? So 15+40 so 55k in total?
Sure. Trade in 30 minutes?
if you are still selling music albums i'd like: caf? k.k., k.k. birthday, k.k. love song, k.k. lullaby, k.k. ragtime, k.k. parade, & mr. k.k.! do you have all of those? i saw them all in your music collection!
I can trade right now but whatever is good for you ill be available for another hour