First official AC:CF Sumo wrestling tourney!

yes possibly spikehawk

and animal crossing fun...are you seriouys? Just goto where it says the member are online and see if your opponenet is there.
my name says bye and either you
or my other oppenent were supposed to have a match with me, and the other opponent isnt online so can i just face you sometime today?

well PM me or post on the topic to let me know
can you guys please read all the posts? Ive said 3 times that if it says bye next to your name that means there was no person to fill in that spot and you got automatically put into the 2nd round.

and spike hawk im sorry but it will actually have to be like an hour and a half from now. I have to finish up stuff. and i need you guys to bring pitfalls or we cant do this =-=.
Ness_Success said:
can you guys please read all the posts? Ive said 3 times that if it says bye next to your name that means there was no person to fill in that spot and you got automatically put into the 2nd round.

and spike hawk im sorry but it will actually have to be like an hour and a half from now. I have to finish up stuff. and i need you guys to bring pitfalls or we cant do this =-=.
i meant like it says you and marios are facing each other and after that it says ether you or marios has to face me and he's not online so i was wondering if you could face me sometime
it says i have to face you or marios in the next level and under me it says bye so i skip to the next level, so i was wondering if you can just face me since marios isnt online
dude this isnt very complicated. This is how it works. me and marios have to fight. and the winner of that match has to vs you.

basically you cant fight until me and him fight.
You should just set up a ladder. It doesn't have to be fancy, hell it could even be done in paint.

But then teh peopuls would understand better. ;]
but i thought this was simple enough for everyone to understand =_=.

im sorry animal crossing fun. You cant fight until me and marios fight first.