First signature try

Toshiwoshi, would you make a signature for me?
I like your signature alot.

sure, post a render and any other details

I just noticed for some reason even though it is very obvious is the white background.I see wheat and maple leaves and music notes, but no good background to match the weather; why not add some blue?

actually, i never really thought about adding a background. ill try and experiment with that idea, thanks.
What's a render?
I just want my current signature pic with a starry background if you can.

a render is basically just the focus/ main image of the sig. in mine it is len kagamine

and sure, i have my tablet hooked up now, ill start on it.
Im not sure if you'll like it, but i didnt put a colored background, because the depth and shadow effect looked better on white. i kept the stars and colors like the render.

my handwriting looks bad, im sorry D:


there is a better sized version on my DeviantART if when you save it, this one is too big (it shouldn't be though)

if your not happy, i can change it, dont be scared to tell me :)
Im not sure if you'll like it, but i didnt put a colored background, because the depth and shadow effect looked better on white. i kept the stars and colors like the render.

my handwriting looks bad, im sorry D:


there is a better sized version on my DeviantART if when you save it, this one is too big (it shouldn't be though)

if your not happy, i can change it, dont be scared to tell me :)

Change you change the color of the name so it's darker than the rest? Sort like it you look at it, the words seem to pop off the page.