Flowering Gladeboughs = | Ice recolor of Year2 Nature |
Illuminated Runescroll = | Light recolor of Year1 Arcane |
Prismatic Crystalscales = | Arcane recolor of year1 Earth |
Undine's Flatfins = | Shadow recolor of Year1 Water |
Sanddune Rags = | Lightning recolor of Year1 Plague |
Forest's Edge Vines = | Nature recolor of Year2 Shadow |
Sanguine Plumage = | Plague recolor of Year1 Wind |
Powerpack Coat = | ?Arcane recolor of Year4 Lightning |
Twilight Oracle's Guise = | ?Water recolor of Year5 Light |
Bought a crate and got another Flowering Gladeboughs ;; Would anyone be willing to trade for one of the new plumage?
If you still need plumage, I'd be willing to trade.
Yes please! Thanks
There?s no "big deal", it?s just that it`s a cycled item, very rarely cycled (wasn?t in the gem marketplace for years), which made it valuable--something called mock firebird. i never heard of this one before, anybody know what's the big deal with this familiar?
You know that you can exchange your treasure for gems in the items for sale forum with other players? (Or just sell your stuff for gems on the Auction house.)^
I'm happy they're back but sad they're in gem marketplace;; I have few gems rip
You know that you can exchange your treasure for gems in the items for sale forum with other players? (Or just sell your stuff for gems on the Auction house.)
has Flight Rising ever done anything for Halloween??