Senior Member
Currently I am cycling my town with hopes of finding my dream villagers and also with any luck recover the ones I had but lost.
Cycling will be mid-to-late evening US Eastern Standard Time, and daily outside of when I'm waiting for a villager to be picked up (I will try to catch the reserver online to minimize the wait).
If something in your post clearly implies that you haven't read these then I will not take any reserves from you
Cycling will be mid-to-late evening US Eastern Standard Time, and daily outside of when I'm waiting for a villager to be picked up (I will try to catch the reserver online to minimize the wait).
If something in your post clearly implies that you haven't read these then I will not take any reserves from you
1) Reserves will be taken! However, please read through the three lists under the rules as these make note of..
- Dreamies that I plan to keep
- Current reserves.
- Villager who currently have two reserves and that I will not be taking any new reserves on.
..and anyone who has clearly ignored these will be ignored right back.
2) I will PM you when your reserved villager moves in and when they plan to move out.
3) When your reserved villager decides to move you have two days to either pick them up or ask for more time (which I'm happy to give I just need to know). Any longer I will void or adopt them out to someone else and your reserve will end.
4) An unreserved villager (or a villager where the reserver doesn't need them anymore, has missed the two day holding period, or reserved by now dusty account (see below) will be posted up as soon as they ping me. They are then first come first serve and will be void after 30 minutes.
Dusty Account Reserves: If a reserved villager moves in but the account used to reserve them has not been used in over two months and have not logged back in by the time the same villager pings me to move out then they will go to next person who reserved them or they will be posted as moving and fall under the same rules then as if they where unreserved. Dusty reserves will be noted it at move in and I will not take any further reserve on them at that point (any secondary reserve made before move in will be honored)
5) Each villager has two reserve slots and once they are filled no new reserves can be made. If the person who has the first reserve can't or longer wants/needs the villager then the person who made the secondary reserve can adopt them. If either can't/wants them they then will be post for first come first serve adoption. If the first reserver does take the villager then the secondary is first in line to get the villager the next time they come around.
6) There is no autovoid however if the villager is rather unpopular then the hold time could be reduced to 15 minutes.
7) Don't auction/trade/sell a villager you get from me
8) Try and have an open space available when you ask to adopt. If your reserved villager pings me but you have no room then I'll halt the move once and only once after that I wouldn't again. If they are already in boxes then I will not wait for you to make room.
9) Be patient! I typically add/remove/change reserves the morning after the last cycle but if I've missed yours by the next cycle session or you see a mistake feel free to point it out.
10) All adoptions are free though a good wifi rating is always appreciated.
11) Some chatter is fine but don't flood the thread, ok?
Current Villagers
Astrid [Reserved]
Kyle [Reserved]
Fang [Reserved]
Roald [Keeping]
Melba [Keeping]
Cookie [Reserved]
Keeping / Planning To Keep - NO RESERVES
Blanche [Cycling]
Melba [Have]
Roald [Have]
Erik [Cycling]
Jeremiah [Cycling]
Walker [Cycling]
AyameandLolly - Rudy
mszcheysser - Boomer
xnancyxkillzx - Diana
PinkWater - Whitney
Zipperblues79 - Merengue
Spaceotter - Static
esc - Zell, Deirdre
Jesirawr - Beau
hiddenmask1 - O'hare, Francine
Twilight Sparkle - Merry
SailorBay - Genji, Ankha
Antlers - Papi
Feraligatr - Mac
DeviousCrossing - Nate
Richluna - Hamlet
Solaeus - Chester, Punchy
calintz - Kyle
samyfav - Rowan
Junko - Fauna
DaCoSim - Queenie
Novi - Rodeo, Dotty
ZaneTheBeast - Teddy, Skye
Ida - Wart Jr.
Crosswayboy - Chrissy
Zoe! - Cookie
Hunter719 - Apple, Biskit
aspartameAcatalepsy - Lucky
montymonkey - Hamphrey
lucindaa - Fauna (2nd)
stairmast0r - Shari
honeyvanille - Felicity
Kellybear - Chief
ProfessorMiku - Muffy (2nd)
Ranko Hoshino - Lolly
Tanyana - Filbert, Pierce, Poncho
Sej - Drift
creamuu - Felicity (2nd), Poppy
Makkine - Tangy
Linnea - Fang
Axeler137 - Pierce
BlueLeaf - Apollo, Alfonso, Rosie, Margie
Melody In Silence - Stitches, Ankha (2nd)
Akina - Zell (2nd)
kyuchan - Punchy (2nd)
Lithia - Julian (2nd),
Snowtyke - Chrissy (2nd)
patrickg - Vesta, Lionel, Octavian
blackgoldfeesh - Poncho
Mayor Butch - Astrid, Chadder
Bethykins - Bunnie
Boycrosser - Bob
ginx1028 - Diana (2nd), Zucker
Crunkabunch - Zucker (2nd), Kid Cat
CliveWalton - Willow
Dinomates - Annalisa, Purrl (2nd)
Weah - Tia, Peggy, Gladys
Gizmodo - Hamlet (2nd), Marshal, Ozzie
abileen - Filbert
Bulbadragon - Sly
songoftheskies - Beau (2nd)
hani - Static (2nd)
Rainman - Merengue
lightpastelrainbows - Poppy (2nd)
lemon - Whitney (2nd), Fang (2nd)
Ceres - Kabuki
Nintendofan27 - Purrl
ACNL noodle - Lily
Luckypinch - Pietro
Pikapants - Pietro (2nd)
Eridan Ampora - Stitches (2nd) gassy
ILikeCatsMoreThenYou - Lolly (2nd)
ccemuka - Roscoe
chroek - Lily (2nd)
mayorhyuna - Francine
staeples - Marshal (2nd)
MiaCakes - Sprinkles, Jacques
SuperAwesomeSauce - Lucky
mochiii - Rudy
Emi - Marina
Kikiyama - Marcel
kyuchan - Bill, Puck, Stitches
NyanCatInSpace - Jay
Filled Reserve Slots - No More Reserves Will Be Taken
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