Cycling Florence Cycling! [Online]

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I would love to reserve Marcel and Genji if possible!

(I read through the rules but apologize if I'm requesting someone who isn't allowed to be reserved? ><)

Marcel is fine but Genji has been fully reserved out (though I never put him under the Fully Reserved list d'oh!)

Serendipity, you can delete my reserve for punchy? and add Poppy, Bill, Puck or Stitches?

Poppy is fully reserved but I'll you for all the others.

Can i reserve Jay, the jock bird please?


Cookie the Peppy Dog is in boxes!
You can get rid of all of my reserves :>
I made a new town, and I don't really want those villagers in my village anymore.
Can you remove my reserve for Annalisa and reserve Jacques instead? x3 Sorry for so many changes ono
Can I reserve Mathilda? I could pick her up today if you're able to get to it. Thanks!
How does reserving work, is it just if a villager comes up I will get a pm or only if the villager is already in the list?

If it's the former, I would like to be put on the list for Julian and Bluebear if possible
I finally got Julian, so you can take him off; is it ok if I could reserve phoebe instead?
Forgot to say until now, but I got Kabuki so you can take him off the list for me, thank you! :D
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