*~Rude intolerance here~*
Hey everyone. I’m having a creative block. How did you use flower furniture if you did? Would any of you mind showing some screen shots?
oooh that sounds so prettyI don't use the flower recipes much. xD
- Lily Record Player--music player in my main room. My S/O uses it in an outdoor orchestra area, which also looks good
- Hyacinth Lamp--outdoor lighting option
- Flower Stand--I used a few to decorate my outdoor orchestra area, along with the Wedding Fence
I don't have any screenshots of it, but I used the cosmos shower on my beach as an outdoor rinse-off shower.
I did this as well. The cosmos shower is part of the outdoor changing area.
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I love the lily record player and have it in several places. I have it in Judy's yard, and here it is in the outdoor section of the diner.
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I use the flower stand outside the B&B, but I also use the white customization version in my seasonal area when I have the wedding stuff out for wedding season.
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I've seen the mum cushions used brilliantly on several islands as part of a garden. It looked really pretty.
Edit: spelling