Flowers don't grow on the beach!


^ - ^ /
May 30, 2019
Tasty Cake
Was watching someone play Animal Crossing and they put their flowers on the beach, and then time travelled to test the theory, and the flower stems didn't grow any more, and no new flowers spawned.

Just figured I'd pass this along, because we could do this in New Leaf but can't in New Horizons!
Kinda glad they did this... felt really weird seeing flowers grow in sand.
That sucks.
I'll add that to the growing list of removed features. :)
I noticed this a few days ago as well.

At least the fully grown ones can be placed on the beaches. It’s just that sprouts won’t develop past the stage they’re planted at.
Yep, this is a great feature if you're trying to control which of your flowers get spawns when going for hybrids.
Yes I noticed that too. Kinda sucks a bit because I always used the beach in NL to grow my hybrids. It was the best place as it was spacious and prevented them from being tramped. But since we now have fencing and flowers don't disappear when accidentally ran over, it actually an okay change.
Hmm, I may leave a 3rd tier ladder-only access for hybrids. That way no one can mess with them.
So disappointed, the beach is so spacious !
I guess I'll store them there and I'll propagate a few on the ground.

Thanks for the info :3
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That's too bad :( putting my flowers on the beach was how I grew my hybrids in the last game. Guess I'll just have to utilize the hilltops then.
I was just thinking about this earlier today. This is really disappointed. I'm going to have to look for a good spot to grow more hybrids.
Oh geez. I'm so glad I saw this. I've been trying to grow hybrids on my beach. I shall be moving them!
I meant IRL! LMAO!

Wait.. my cat just asked for a pear? o_O

Then you need to add context to clarify you're not talking about the game, man. Everyone here is going to assume you're talking about Animal Crossing. s:

And there's no need to get sarcastic with me. /:
Then you need to add context to clarify you're not talking about the game, man. Everyone here is going to assume you're talking about Animal Crossing. s:

And there's no need to get sarcastic with me. /:

I wasn't. o_O

I was acually feeling happy for the first time in weeks and joking around in an obvious way.

Obviously, my cat didn't ask me for a pear.
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