Contest Follow that bird! Done, congratulations SpaceTokki77, itznotnatzduh, and flyffel!

King koopa

🎈 Balloons 🎈
Aug 16, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Purple Balloon
Blue Balloon
Light Blue Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Purple Balloon
Andromeda Potion
Raven Wings Potion
Blue Rosewater Potion
Rosewater Potion
Purple Bat Potion
100% (14) +
After kourage and hope got some pretty feathers from a nice peacock, king boo saw it, and he wants a feather too! Unlike the last one, this time it will be a contest! But he can explain it better than I can, so take it away, king boo!

Follow that bird by koopadude100 .png

Psst! Hey you! Yeah you! Do you know how to camouflage? No? Well come here anyway. See, kourage and hope and he who must not be named who stole my bag when we all arrived at camp bell tree got feathers from this peacock. They seemed pretty happy walking away, so I wnat to see what's up. And no, I'm not asking it for a feather! If that peacock knows what I've been doing to that old man for 20 years now, it'll definitely say no! So that's why I came up with an alternative plan: Let's all write anonymous letters to it asking for a feather! See what I'm holding? This is a purple bat potion ex! It looks just like the original, but it turns you into a peacock instead! So if the peacock knows that you're not a peacock, just use the potion, and you should be fine! Whoever's letter is the most convincing will get an eerie star potion! Then in second place you'll get a moonlight egg, then, for third place, you'll get some tbt, and possibly a green moon Jellyfish if the winner of the animatronic Zipper contest chooses a blue Jellyfish. Be sure to submit your letters by next week! And let me know if you need more time! Now hurry up and write it already! Hehehe!
Quick disclaimer: The prizes are all community decided, though I'll see if I can give my personal favorite entry something as well!
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Are the entries supposed to be DM'd or just written here? Thanks 🥰

EDIT: Seems like they can be posted here, thanks!
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Hello Mr. Peacock,

We have been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty. Your current one is about to expire! However, unfortunately, in order to extend your warranty, you will need to send a feather to us at Totally Not a Scam Dealership. To speak to an operator, please press 1. To extend your warranty, press 2. To send us your credit card information and your social security number, press 3. We hope to see you soon!

Totally Not a Scam Dealership
Hello Mr. Peacock,

Thanksgiving is next week and there is a national turkey shortage. People have decided that they want to use peacock as a substitute for turkey this holiday, peacocks like YOU will be slaughtered... seasoned... and cooked to the glorious temperature of 325 ° Fahrenheit, that is unless you give us one of your feathers... We are definitely threatening you The American people want what they want and their decision is final, but we are giving you another chance! You can choose to live and give us your feather OR choose to die a very painful death and feed a wonderful American family. If do you choose to live you will not regret it, but life or death in your hands.. so which one will it be Mr. Peacock?

We need a notice of your final decision by this Tuesday so choose quickly.

-The National Thanksgiving Association
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Hello Mr. Peacock,

Our company, The Best Hatter Hat in The World, is in need of some feathers to adorn our hats. To date, we have decorated many of our feathers from several other fowl like creatures.

Our goal here at The Beat Hatter Hat in The World is to have everyone wear a stylish and sophisticated hat for years to come and to be an heirloom keepsake for future generations.

It has recently come to our attention that you possess one of the most flamboyant feathers that exist in the peacock world. We at The Best Hatter Hat in The World, would be honoured if you could donate a feather or two to our cause. For if you do not voluntarily submit to our request…

Your feathers may have to be acquired through alternative means.

We hope it doesn’t have to come to that, but you have been advised of our intentions.

Yours sincerely,

The Best Hatter Hat in The World
Dear Mr. Peacock,

we, your Loyal Peacock Fan Community, are writing this letter to inform you about our immense success with the development of your very first Peacock Fan Community Manor. Through generous sponsors and well visited community events we have accumulated enough donations to finally conclude all construction work. For the grand opening of Peacock Manor we expect the marble staircase to be framed with the finest flowers. The center of the entrance hall shall be decorated with a large flower arrangement. For this centerpiece, which will be visible for all guests during the opening ceremony, we thought it would only be fitting to have one of your luxurious tail feathers adorn the arrangement. Providing one of your feathers will be the final touch needed to finish all preparations for the grand opening ceremony. We shall send out all invitations upon your confirmation. If this opening ceremony is as big a success as we expect it to be, we are confident that even more members shall join our cult community, celebrating you and you only as our excellent idol and leader.

We are eagerly awaiting your response. If you do not wish to enclose the feather for security reasons, we will send one of our senior members to ensure the safe delivery of your most precious contribution.

Yours faithfully,

Aquilla, head of the Loyal Peacock Fan Community
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Dear Mr. Peacock,

we would like to inform you that you have won our raffle! What you won?
A brand new Nintendo Switch that we want to customize just for you!
To do so, we would need a feather of yours that we can use as template
for the customization of your unique console. We hope to hear soon from you!

Best Wishes,
Totally-Not-A-Scam Free Switch GmbH
Conartulations, Mr. Peacock! 🦚

We write to you to inform to you that you have been won §100.000.000 from the funds of the Prince of Wales New Jersey City! 🤑

To confirm your identity is the real, please enclose sending a feather of yours to the address of:

Prince of Wales New Jersey City Funds
Via San Mario 45/2/4
Rome, Italy

Then, soon you can be enjoying your luxury riches! 🤩😘

Conaratulation again
Prince Luigi 🤴