Food Poisoning


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2017
I have a question about how food poisoning works. How do bacterias and toxins grow in food if the food is left out for more than 2 hours? I was watching a Recipe for Disasters video and this woman cooked all the steak for her net day barbecue, but then left it out overnight to her unsuspected guests, cooked it, and they ate it, and the ones that ate it got sick. It can be found here:

I tried asking this question on, but they kept deleting all my questions about it here. How can I earn an answer to this question here?
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I think they divide and grow. If the temperature of the food is the same as human body temperature, that’s when bacteria grows the quickest. The people must’ve gotten sick because they didn’t cook the steak enough.
When I first posted this, I actually posted the wrong video. When I first posted this on saplingforums, I posted the correct video, but I couldn't find any of my posts. I heard that toxins formed from the bacterias can't be killed off.
When I first posted this, I actually posted the wrong video. When I first posted this on saplingforums, I posted the correct video, but I couldn't find any of my posts. I heard that toxins formed from the bacterias can't be killed off.

That sounds scary, but I do know that there are such toxins you can’t remove at all no matter how you cook.

I’m guessing it’s not the bacteria that makes the toxins, but it could come from fungi, insects, or other pests that somehow got to the steak.
I thought food would just spoil and no one really answered my question on when it was in perfect English. I asked 'how much', not 'how many?'
There are viruses found in fish that no matter how much you cook them, they can't be killed. This is because the viruses are deep in the fish's tissue and can't be froze or cooked out, which is why fish needs to be from a reputable supplier.

It's possible that the bacteria wasn't cooked out at the proper temperature or the steak wasn't frozen at the right temperature.

Bacteria grows in these conditions, FAT TOM
T- Time


Under these conditions bacteria reproduces rapidly. That not to say thou that they don't produce under other conditions as well.
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Some bacteria do produce toxins that can’t be killed via heat— which is probably what caused her food poisoning in this instance. For instance, Staphylococcus aureus produces a “heat stable” protein that causes food poisoning. Her leaving the steak out overnight (here I’m a little confused— did she leave it out after cooking it and then recook it, or did she leave it out and then cook it only once?) probably allowed some type of bacteria with a heat stable toxin to reproduce, and then she and her guests became sick after eating it.
She cooked it only once. She claims that's what her nana used to do.

Yeah, makes me wonder if her leaving it out overnight didn’t allow some type of heat stable enterotoxin-producing bacteria to breed on the steak. It’s also possible, as Stella-Io said, that she didn’t cook it thoroughly enough and some bacteria survived, but her leaving it out at room temperature overnight makes me really suspicious. ?\_(ツ)_/?
About the lasagna that I had had three years earlier, I couldn't tell if it was spoiled or intoxicated or not. It made me sick in Hawaii. It was in Summer 2013, and I originally asked this in 2016, but people were such dicks to me, that the question kept getting deleted.
i really cant tell if youre a troll or not based off your recent threads youve been posting recently lol
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i really cant tell if youre a troll or not based off your recent threads youve been posting recently lol

I think this is a serious discussion rather than a pointless discussion. But if there’s anything I learned, nobody is obligated to answer a question. They can’t answer it if they don’t know the answer, and even if they do, they have the right to not answer it. And if they do answer it, the person asking the question should accept the answers.

The subject of food poisoning is an interesting one though. I truly think the foods that got them sick must’ve picked up other bacteria, or the steak was contaminated before it was cooked.
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Maybe the steak was already old.
There are recipes that you need to leave the meat marinating until the next day and it is usually pretty safe. One of my friends is a cook, and when we used to spend the weekend at my apartment it was something we did often: we went to the market, got some meat and prepared it overnight for the next day's lunch (and if we forget or make a hasty decision, we used beer to make the meat tender)

However, as a rule of thumb, always cook your meat very well. Do you know those Gordon Ramsey videos in which he yells at the person because the beef is still raw in the center? It isn't just a matter of being badly done, but also to kill all the nocive bacteria.

Another thing that might be the reason is that something else made people sick. Homemade mayo gets spoiled in a matter of few hours, and it can be a disaster in large gatherings.
why r u guys even trying lmao. hes a notorious troll like everywhere

How is he a troll? I think he was trying to ask a serious question. Even if I don?t have the best answers, I try my best to answer this question.

Sorry for asking, but I don?t have the senses to tell if someone is trolling or not. I thought trolling is only limited to pranking, cyberbullying, or negativity towards a franchise.
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