Trading for Wix ,Vask & [H] White Moon, Yellow Star Frag & Others

For orange and pear I was thinking free? Do you want a message? 💜
hi Box!! just wanted to give you a heads up that 2020 Hanukkah candies don't exist; they first released in 2022. I don't think 2023 Gourdy dates exist either; I think it only released in 2022. ;u;

I have a 2022 Hanukkah candy I'd be happy to send your way if it'd work for you, though!!
hi Box!! just wanted to give you a heads up that 2020 Hanukkah candies don't exist; they first released in 2022. I don't think 2023 Gourdy dates exist either; I think it only released in 2022. ;u;

I have a 2022 Hanukkah candy I'd be happy to send your way if it'd work for you, though!!
augh rip!! thank you for letting me know xara!!!
and it's ok!!! I will put my Hanukkah candy hunt to rest

la la bump la