Forum experiment: make this post of two dots the most liked post on tbt

The cellar has gathered a lot of dust and it's full of emaciated trolls hungry for new flesh.
So you'e a troll? xD *Maybe I should get out of this thread <,</>.>*
Um... Which thread?
Unbelievable! I am an upstanding member of this community. :mad:
I can't believe 21 people have liked this without anyone questioning if this is just him trying to get more likes by tricking everyone... LIKE IF YOU AGREE!?!? :D
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I can't believe 21 people have liked this without anyone questioning if this is just him trying to get more likes by tricking everyone... LIKE IF YOU AGREE!?!? :D

Aye, No likes yet, huh? xD
I might be the first to like it, but Dad might get mad at me.
somebody just necro liked this...
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