Bacon Boy
Zelda Informer Podcaster
Okay. It's been really slow around here lately. I have some ideas on how to spice things up. Only... some of these wouldn't exactly be for everyone. First, I have a bunch of ideas for more... mature discussions. Debates, if you will. However, I do not think that everyone this forum has the capacity to take something like that seriously, or they're too young to understand. Second, more staff contests. I've said this in the past and I'll say it again, we need more contests. More variety. We can't just keep doing the same graphic contests with the same people. That doesn't really encourage activity, rather, it just brings back the same old graphic artists to do something for a bit and them leave again. Third, maybe encourage more Animal Crossing events. Maybe get some older (age-wise or been around the forums longer) to dust off their copies and participate. Andy could host a game night again. Who knows. I know people keep saying activity will pick up when AC3DS comes around, but do we really want to wait? By then most people will have just left. They might come back, but why come back when it'll just die again?
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