Forum Suggestion for Newbies


Enchanting Dreamer
Aug 20, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
Hello, I thought I'd make a suggestion after seeing many new members unsure of some features that are a huge part of these forums.

I suggest that all new members get an automatic "welcome to the forums" pm, that explains some of the features of the forums:

1. tbt. what it is. how it works. how they earn it. what it's used for here, how they can see how much they have, etc,

2. list some rules that are often broken by new members (posting looking for villager threads for example).

3. specific names of mods they can pm if they have problems

4. a link to the introduction forum where they can introduce themself

5. and of course, a happy welcome message helping them feel at home here

a kind welcome PM including these things will not only help with some problems new members are having, but will help give this place a more friendly and welcoming feel as well.
I think that's a great idea! When I first joined TBT, I was kind of confused but gradually figured the site out, but a welcoming PM with a brief overview of the stuff you mentioned would have been very useful.
I think this is a great idea! When I first joined, I only posted one post in the introduction thread and afterwards, didn't know what to do.
I think it would help the newbies with this welcome PM and help them not feel to intimidated to post and make new threads!
Actually, these already exist. They're not all on the same thread, but they're there if you look for them!
This certainly isn't a bad idea, although we do have a forum roadmap stickied in the Introduction Board to aid new members and answer some of the more frequently asked questions. Most of the things you've mentioned are covered if you read through it. :)

I can't promise that an automated welcome PM is something that will ever be implemented, but it's definitely a decent suggestion!