Framerate drops

My framerate drops everytime I go into my field full of flowers

my island is full of flowers, like too many so i get the framerate drop everytime i go into a patch of flowers

its worse when there are trees too

absolutely this. more than 20-30 flowers and i see the framerate plummet instantaneously. when it's windy or there are other weather patterns - it gets even worse. it's not not understandable, but it's sorta confusing in a game that is about the experience of walking around outside surrounded by things?? lolkay
So I actually removed some flowers around my island and I definitely noticed the game running much smoother. I suppose I was just barely hitting the threshold of what the game could handle.
I just posted in another thread about this—good to know it's flowers causing the problem. My framerate drops so much that it hurts my eyes and I have to put the game down after short times which doesn't happen with other games. It's annoying but I guess I'm pushing what the game can handle. Unfortunate because I like flowers a lot
Might this be caused by memory leaks?
Some games tend to accumulate unused data when run for a long time without closing (sleep mode doesnt count), which causes performance issues over time.
Maybe turning of the switch completely might help to 'clear the cache' if thats the case.
Yes and its really annoying.
I have my vullager homes with trees in a line.
Trees in front and back. Soon as I go up the ramp to the area it drops dramatically.

I kind of feel like maybe that area was always that way? I'll see if today I can do anything for it I guess.
It just...gets annoying to the point I walk through it so its less noticable.
Been getting some of these. The framrate drops a bit when I pass by a very specific place in my villager that has all the elaborate kimono stand and a waterfall nearby, for some reason? Not sure if that's related...
Might this be caused by memory leaks?
Some games tend to accumulate unused data when run for a long time without closing (sleep mode doesnt count), which causes performance issues over time.
Maybe turning of the switch completely might help to 'clear the cache' if thats the case.
Could be but honestly I've played the game all day many times now and I never really notice any significant differences after 10 hours of playing for example. So I think it's pretty safe to rule that out. And if it is the issue it must be super minor, not like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 where framerate consistently goes down until it's in the low twenties and rebooting the game fixes it all.

Good thinking, though
so i have some frame rate drops and while yes its in areas with a lot of furniture... I wouldn't say its overly cluttered, like i prioritize having 2 spaces wide for walkways and such. They always seem to be around my nooks cranny too
I would be curious to know if it makes any difference if the game is installed physical, digital internal storage, or digital sd card.

My mom and I both play with it installed in the internal storage with at least 3GB of internal storage free (don't know if that makes a difference). Neither of us has lag yet. Her island is more than half covered in flowers.

I am super worried about having this problem in the future and wonder what to do to minimize it. Density of items, variety of items and polygon count could all be a factor. As well as less obvious things like extra lighting and amount of transparency calculations. I don't know anything about the engine, so it is hard to know.
I'd understand if it were because of many items placed outside but having it be cause of flowers is ridiculous. I have a patch of flowers with all the hybrids put together and it's a shame that it's causing such a problem.
I have a large field of flowers on my island which causes the framerate to drop all the time. I was already wishing I could put them in my storage, because those flowers are preventing me from terraforming and putting stuff in that area - when I realised they were also affecting the framerate it just made me want to be able to put them away even more. :/
The fact that it caps on 30 FPS bothers me.. idk whats in the system or if it cant run past 30 but 60 would have been soooo much better
My carnival takes forever to load the items but I never noticed a frame drop. I'm curious now if it does and I hope I can't tell or it will bug me, haha!
For me, I haven't noticed any framerate drops, but I mainly play in handheld mode, where it seems to be capped to a lower framerate anyways. I must not have enough flowers and trees around yet to cause it to do that.
However it's quite an open game in the sense that it allows you to place either a lot of furniture around your island or none at all.
I like that New Horizons handles this differently than older games. I don't like the random arbitrary meters and object limits that level editors had, so it's good to see a console game that doesn't stop the player from doing whatever they want. (I've seen Wild World apparently had a limit on furniture in a room, which I never encountered myself, but there's proof that even Animal Crossing put limits on players indoors.)
if you place a floorlight and pay attention to it while walking to the north you can easily see the light shaft disappearing before it's actually fully off-screen
The lighthouse is worse. I can usually see it appearing from nowhere when I'm running horizontally towards it but below it so it's on the horizon. I think there the game's just taking slightly longer to load it than other objects, though. Fossils can easily disappear when barely off-screen based on their shadows, though I guess that'd be hard to cover up due to the new, more realistic shadows.
I got it last night out of the blue after adding a stair case to a plaza. I am going to destroy it and see if it goes back to normal but that is the moment I saw the change.
The two times I have noticed framerate drops:

- filling the room to max item capacity doing wedding photos
- walking through campsite forest which has lately been carpeted with flowers

I really appreciate the time they took to make flowers have more of a 3D presence in NH, but now it means you can't carpet your island with them without losing a little quality. Granted most casual gamers (like myself) won't care or notice lol.

Also, with my internet connection and games I've played in the past, I'm used to BAD lag (where things will drop to like <5 fps) so even when I notice it I think the game handles it really well, since it doesn't affect my ability to play. I guess I'd hate framerate drops a lot more if I were into games like Smash where I need quick response to succeed?
mine dips when I play on the TV because it runs on a higher resolution. It dips also when I run in handheld. I have too much crap outside. It was worst before they nerfed the bugs. I was so sad because all of the flowers i had was for bugs.
So far it only seems to happen on my island when I'm around a lot of flowers, but especially a lot of gold roses. Wondering if their light reflectivity is a factor.
I have encountered this multiple times across my island and it's super annoying. Foe a game that let's you place furniture outside, this shouldn't be as rampant as it is. Not only that, but even when I don't have that many flowers out, I still experience it.

Another area I experienced it was an area heavy with bamboo, flowers, water falls and the hedge fencing, which moved in the wind so walking throu that area was a nightmare.