Auction Francine is leaving - IN BOXES NOW 5 MINUTES LEFT

Highest bid 1mil ^_^

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Actually I might keep it open a bit longer because a lot of the people who were stalking aren't online ~~
Darn, I would bid for her because she's one of my dreamies, but I wouldn't be able to pick her up. :/
Best of luck to whoever wins ! :)
Sure the one I'm most looking for is Mira so if someone wants Francine more than me they can have her but right now YAY I'm winning x3
Darn, I would bid for her because she's one of my dreamies, but I wouldn't be able to pick her up. :/
Best of luck to whoever wins ! :)

I can keep her for a few days if you wanted ^_^

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Remember I will also swap her for villagers ^_^
I can keep her for a few days if you wanted ^_^

Could you? That'd be great!
I'll bid 1.5m then. ^^
I think our timezones are a bit far apart, but I'd be able to pick her up on Saturday if I happen to win. <3
If you can do that give her to Sumemr I think she deserves her more being a dreamie and all. I retract my bid
Could you? That'd be great!
I'll bid 1.5m then. ^^
I think our timezones are a bit far apart, but I'd be able to pick her up on Saturday if I happen to win. <3

What timezone are you in? Just so I know whether it'll be morning or night ^_^
1.6 mil

I'm in a similar situation as Sumemr. Just picked Chrissy, so can't invite Francine right away. Probably will be able to on Saturday or Sunday.
Villagers can be offered too ^_^

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1.6 mil

I'm in a similar situation as Sumemr. Just picked Chrissy, so can't invite Francine right away. Probably will be able to on Saturday or Sunday.

It would have to be Saturday morning, I can't hold her for THAT long

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Giving this some more time, ends in 20 minutes
HB: 1.6mil!

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Just over 10 minutes left!
Bid or she'll be gone, villager trades will also be accepted (Just ask)

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5 minutes left!
ooh someone from tumblr just bid 2 mil
Leaving this open for another 10 minutes

HB: 2 mil