Giveaway FRANCINE the snooty rabbit!! [RAFFLE] ends 7pm PST

the trade wasn't able to happen soon and because I have all my other dream villagers, I'm not in a desperate rush to get Ruby. :) I trust the TBT and that when another shows up, people will help me out! :D (because this community is awesome)

So I'm changing this to a raffle, she's free - obviously, check the first post for details.

good luck!!
i tried to contact the winner, but they aren't online, i guess. :( so I'll keep going through the list of numbers until find soeone who is online and wants her! :D
I hope gnoixaim gets her. She gets dreamies for so many people in her thread. :)
sorry :( the raffle ended. I used a random number generator and went through the numbers until I found a winner that was online to pick her up. So she was picked up by cookiebunny. :)

I hope you all find your dreamies! I am going to continue doing giveaways, so hopefully I can help you in the future!
thanks everyone!