Wow, for one thing you said it yourself an 8.0 is a good score. Honestly they criticized the game for the exact same reasons I see to be critical about.
Yes, an 8.0 is a good score. No arguing there.[/]b
Yeah it is the classic style and yeah people say don't fix what isn't broken but to me that is stupid. If you want to still play the older versions you always can!! With the newer ones though they should try new things! What if people in the middle ages never came out of it because they never started questioning things in the renaissance? What if the car was never invented because the horse and buggy still worked?
Wait a minute. THEY DID TRY NEWER THINGS. Did you ever see the new terrain system? Depending on the altitude of your character, say, an archer, the damage you inflict might be less or more than on even terrain. If this is not a fantastic new strategic element, I don't know what is. This new gameplay mechanic was not mentioned in IGN's review. How do I know they played more than the first chapter?
Well nowadays you can ride in a horse and buggy if you want to for fun through the park but a car is the fastest thing most people can own and by far superior now.
What reviewers fail to see is what is REALLY maturing in Fire Emblem... the story.
Not to mention what about the wiimote? That was criticized for changing the old controller, but guess what, it is destroying sony and definitely going to be at war with the 360 for some time now. The hardware is selling better, but the software isn't, perhaps the wii needs more than what made the DS a success.
Pray take a look at the majority of the Wii's games. Casual shovelware. Do I want my Fire Emblem turn casual? Uhm... no.
So fire emblem could use a bit of an upgrade. Big deal. Nintendo just needs to consider this for the next game and they aren't going to unless they hear it from reviewers like this.
What kind of upgrade? Tell me if you have any ideas. Because, frankly, after the innovative and new terrain system, I don't know what they could do with the series other than make it an RTS.
Which would be "meh".