Giveaway ***FREE*** 🔨DIYs, 🐪Sahara Items, 🌷Hybrids and 🦴Fossils

Dodo Code

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  1. TBT Bells
hi! may i get:
beekeeper hive
green leaf pile
lily wreath
pond stone
straw umbrella hat
tiny library
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would it be okay to pick them up from your island? let me know! thank you :)

Sure! Let me gather them and I'll send a DODO.
Hi! May I have the orange wall mounted clock, stone wall, and steel frame wall DIYs? I can get you all:

dark bamboo rug
pear dress
pear bed
bamboo stool
cosmos showers
large cardboard boxes

Also, my island, please. c:
Hello! Do you have any pink hyacinths? I would take as many off your hands as possible 😊
I’d love to give something in return, if not something on your wishlist, then bells? :)
Thank you!
Hi! May I have the orange wall mounted clock, stone wall, and steel frame wall DIYs? I can get you all:

dark bamboo rug
pear dress
pear bed
bamboo stool
cosmos showers
large cardboard boxes

Also, my island, please. c:

I've got a few trades real quick, but let me know your DODO whenever!
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Hello! Do you have any pink hyacinths? I would take as many off your hands as possible 😊
I’d love to give something in return, if not something on your wishlist, then bells? :)
Thank you!
Sure! I've got 12 pink hyacinths for ya. No payment necessary -- you're clearing my fields for more breeding room, kekekeke.
I've got some trades lined up, but then I'll DM you for a DODO to your island when ready. :)
Do you have space for me to drop / plant them? I'll need some time to dig em, but LMK if you're still interested and can provide a DODO. <3
Yep! I have an area free for them to go and yes I’m still interested. Just pm when you’re ready and I’ll give you the dodo code 😊
Could I get the cardboard table, medium cardboard boxes, jungle flooring DIYs and I can get you the golden armor shoes DIY and shell fountain DIYs?

Edit: either or, whatever you feel the most comfortable with
Hi, can I have sandy beach flooring and wooden tool box at my island?
Sure! Lemme deliver a bunch of flowers, and I'll PM you for a DODO when ready.
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Could I get the cardboard table, medium cardboard boxes, jungle flooring DIYs and I can get you the golden armor shoes DIY and shell fountain DIYs?

Edit: either or, whatever you feel the most comfortable with
OMG Xeleron, I totally missed this post!
You can of course have those DIYs, and I would appreciate whatever you're willing to trade. Send DODO when ready! Or just DM me later...
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Added trash to the giveaway! Totally forgot people need to make rovers and stuff...
i would like the simple pink bath mat and some pink,blue and orange hyacinths if you can! I can give you the matryoshka and gold lucky cat diy!
Hiya! May I please get some orange pansies? I don't have much IGB but I can give you tbt for them if you'd like! c:

edit: idk how many you have so whatever you feel like giving is also fine with me!
Hiya! May I please get some orange pansies? I don't have much IGB but I can give you tbt for them if you'd like! c:

edit: idk how many you have so whatever you feel like giving is also fine with me!

I've got 8 left! But unfortunately I have to move for a bit and will lose internet... I'll msg you for a DODO code when I'm back on (and if you're still around)!
I would like to grab these if still available! :)

Natural square table
Sauna heater
Pan flute
Basket pack
Cherry lamp

Would prefer to come visit you!