🌈Always be yourself☀️
Oh no I did! I didn’t realize that they weren’t for taking, I’m not up on all the lingo haha. It’s late tonight so I won’t be on but they’re still in my pockets I can bring them back tomorrow!
Omg I am genuinely so so sorry, I am sending some TBT your way. Thankyou again!!@pawpatrolbab Yeah, "catalog" refers to picking up an item so that it's in your catalog so you can order it yourself, then putting it down again for whoever let you catalog it. But it's okay, I already ordered replacements. You can have them. I just wasn't sure if they were still in my town and I just couldn't find them. ^o^;>
Hiii !! I was wondering if I could sell my perfect pears in your town (if they aren’t your native fruit) and if I could possibly buy some stuff off of wolf link in the campsite RV ? ^.^I decided to boot up my old New Leaf town after several years, and I'd to help out other people, if anyone needs anything. There's no charge for these services, I'll help you out for free.
NOTE: I probably won't keep this thread bumped, because the board isn't that active, but I will always check for posts here every day! So you can post even if it's been a while since the last post here, and I'll definitely see it and help you out if I can!
My Friend Code: 4055-9210-5105
My Town: Caloom
Things I Can Offer:
all non-perfect fruits
access to all shops on Main Street (includes Katrina and T&T Emporium)
a safe place to store your items for restarting/transferring purposes
visits for petitions to be signed or to drop off Katie
RV's for shopping
orderable DLC items for catalog (ones normally unobtainable in-game, like the notebook set!) CLICK HERE FOR LIST
weeds to pick for the weeding badge
all of the giant Happy Home Designer items CLICK HERE FOR LIST
some orderable items (my catalog is far from complete, but maybe I'll have what you're looking for)
maybe more, ask and see if I can help you!
Here are the RV's I can scan:
all six Sanrio
Wolf Link
Isabelle (winter outfit)
Things that I CAN'T offer (so please don't ask):
hybrid flowers
perfect fruits
unorderable items
anything involving time traveling
Rules if you Visit:
Please don't chop down trees, I need them to grow fruit to give to people.
...That's it! You can run anywhere you like, take any items or flowers or anything you see, buy everything from the shops, talk to villagers, etc.
So, feel free to post here if you need anything, and we can exchange friend codes and arrange at time to connect.
Yes that’s perfect Thankyou !!! I haven’t added your friend code yet (I’m kinda confused on how to do this it’s my first 3Ds)@DeaaZee I’ll be able to let you visit in about an hour and a half from when I’m posting this. Will that time work for you?
Ready !!:’)@DeaaZee I'm ready to let you visit now, are you ready?
Thankyou !!! I’m on my way now, I have a lot of perfect pears and I didn’t manage to fit all of them in my storage ahhh not sure if that means I have to do more trips@DeaaZee Okay! My gate is open for you now. Feel free to do anything you like in my town, other than cutting down trees. I'll be afk in the game, so please post here if you'd like to communicate with me, since I won't miss it if it's here.![]()
Ah Thankyou so much, am I okay to take a persimmon too? As I haven’t gotten one of those yet ^.^@DeaaZee If they don't all fit in your storage locker, then you'll have to make multiple trips, but that's just fine, feel free to visit as many times as you like. I'll save every now and then, just in case we get disconnected, so that you don't lose all of your progress.
Ah Thankyou so much, am I okay to take a persimmon too? As I haven’t gotten one of those yet ^.^
I don’t mind time travelling !! Does that mean I have to leave and come back ?@DeaaZee If you don't mind time traveling, you can change your game to another day and order more items. Otherwise, you're welcome to visit me every day until you've ordered everything you want to.
Thankyou, doing that now, I time travel a lot@DeaaZee Yes, you'll have to go back to your town and change the date on your 3DS. I've never time traveled myself, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
All finished with what I needed to do, Thankyou ever so much !!!!@DeaaZee Yes, you'll have to go back to your town and change the date on your 3DS. I've never time traveled myself, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.