Omg sending you even more good vibes!! 10 days worth of good vibes!! Maybe I'll be able to catch you next time your gates are open, but I hope you're feeling better!
Sure! Station is open because someone is coming and going selling turnips. Come whenever you want.
Buy anything from Retail too if something catches your eye. Right now I have loaded Rover and Toby in the camp, if you want to visit them.
And thank you!
The other visitor was about to finish, so I don't think it was a big problem? Anyway, I'll keep opening no matter how many times it fails. Just keep trying!
I'm gonna come back as my other villager in a bit, so I can get some more stuff from Rover!
Also, about the hybrids. I didn't take any yet but if I do, how are they gonna grow back if you're staying on one day for a long time? :0
Maybe I can get 2 or 3 hybrids, breed them in my town, and put them back?
They're arranged so nicely in your town, I'd hate to leave a hole in your garden!
People have been taking them for a long time now, but I keep replanting the hundreds of spares I had storaged in my other characters space. It's not that I regrow them yet, it's that I have lots of spares
Well, every character gets a closet of 60x3=180, plus a secret storage of 90x4=360. That makes 540 slots each character. Multiplied by four that's more than 2000 slots!
Not all was filled by flowers, obviously, but that's still a looot of spares.