Shop [FREE SIGS] Kazu's Graphics Shop {villager and town sigs} | CLOSED |

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*Town name:*Skyfall
*Mayor name:*Flare
*Dimensions**"(in pixels)"*:*the forums limit
*Form**"(square, round or rectangle)"*:* rectangle (If you can find a better picture please do! I want a astronomy feel for my sig)
*Background image**"(animated or not)"*:* not animated
*Sprites**"(villagers/"obtained" icon/native fruit/etc.)"*:*Blue rose for obtained orange rose for willing to trade, town fruit is peach
*Villagers names**"(yes or no; if yes write their names)"*:* yes Lucky Cherry Ankha Kabuki Punchy Rudy Olivia Ruby Cookie Shep (all obtained but put,an orange rose next to Ruby and Olivia because I'm willing to trade them for Tom Kiki or Genji)
Font: something that fits with a space theme that's easily read
*Friend code**"(optional)"*:*2020 0363 0543
*Dream address**"(optional)"*:* 5000-5179-9011
*Other**"(optional)"*:*Id like you to put my favorite quote on the sig somewhere "I gaze,upon the stars too fondly to be afraid of the dark"
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This looks rad so imma try it out >,<

Town name: Mujimoso
Mayor name: Piggy
Dimensions (in pixels): a little smaller than standard size
Form (square, round or rectangle): rectangle with rounded edges
Background image (animated or not): animated if possible, something brownish/pink thats pixelated and cute >,<
Sprites (villagers/"obtained" icon/native fruit/etc.): mint*, blaire*, marshal*, whitney*, fang, coco*, carmen*, gala, marina*, clyde*, (could I have a gold rose for all villagers with stars since they are obtained)
Villagers names (yes or no; if yes write their names): yes
Fonts (optional; you can give me a specify font, otherwise I'll do by myself): pixelated looking font for villager names and whatever you choose for the title
Friend code (optional): 5086-1558-5094
Optional: could I please have native fruit represented, its orange
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How did you upload your signature? I have one VERY similar to yours and when I try to upload it, it says I'm not allowed to upload animated images.

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I can't upload the more-than-perfect signature you were so kind to make for me :( It says I'm not allowed to upload animated images. Help!
How did you upload your signature? I have one VERY similar to yours and when I try to upload it, it says I'm not allowed to upload animated images.

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I can't upload the more-than-perfect signature you were so kind to make for me :( It says I'm not allowed to upload animated images. Help!

Hi! The forum uploader isn't very powerful, so it's better if you keep the url "" and put it between
Town name: Hogwarts
Mayor name: Luna
Dimensions (in pixels): 500 X 220
Form (square, round or rectangle): round
Background image (animated or not):

Sprites (villagers/"obtained" icon/native fruit/etc.): Ankha, Static, Apollo, Julian, Whitney, Marshal, Lolly, Kyle, Cookie, Rosie (all dreamies) native fruit
Villagers names (yes or no; if yes write their names): yes
Fonts (optional; you can give me a specify font, otherwise I'll do by myself):
Friend code (optional): 4313-3322-4097
Dream address (optional): dont have one yet
Other (optional): can you put Katrina somewhere? :3

What's your native fruit?
What do you mean by "could i get like, a gold fruit or something, to represent all fruit"? Seriously, I didn't get it xD
Oh and I don't think I can put the quote on the sig, but I'll try <.<

Like uh, idk? Because I have all fruit growing and yeah, but it's fine. My native fruit are apples cx
And if it's too difficult don't worry about it!
Sorry for all of this confusion xD
Did you accept mine? (you didn't say anything about I'm just making sure, also your a great person for doing these sigs for free!)
Can you just update my Cloudtop sig? I got Fang!

Here it is:


Oh, a friendly advice, if you want to put the sigs at the center just write [ CENTER ] and [ /CENTER ] between them

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Did you accept mine? (you didn't say anything about I'm just making sure, also your a great person for doing these sigs for free!)

Yes, I did! I'm not sure if I'll be able to put the quote, but I'll try
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Town name: Arlia
Mayor name: Samantha
Dimensions (in pixels): Same as Emrod333
Form (square, round or rectangle): Rectangle
Background image (animated or not): (Animated if possible)
Sprites (villagers/"obtained" icon/native fruit/etc.): Villagers, Obtained Icon - Pink Lily, Native Fruit - Peach
Villagers names (yes or no; if yes write their names): Yes, Mitzi, Kiki, Punchy, Ankha, Olivia, Tom, Kid Cat, Katt, Felicity, and Lionel (all obtained except Lionel)
Fonts (optional; you can give me a specify font, otherwise I'll do by myself): Up to you! ^-^
Friend code (optional): Yes, 1435-7252-9722
Dream address (optional): No
Other (optional): Time Zone: EST

Thank you so much! ^-^

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Whoops! Sorry wrong link for the background image!

Use this instead!
Town name: Mossleaf
Mayor name: Ruby
Dimensions: whatever will fit with the gif, but hopefully large
Form: rectangle
Background image:
Sprites: fruit-perfect pears obtained-black rose
Villagers names: Kidd, Goldie, Daisy, Freya, Dierdre, Bones obtained
Erik, Bluebear, Chief, Fauna
Fonts: 7 from vogelbiene
Friend code: sidebar
Dream address: none
Other: I'll send over TBT for this one and the last one now because I forgot last time

Also time zone GMT
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The shop is closed but not for a long time! I'm just very busy because of school so please be patient >.<
I don't close the thread cause I wouldn't know how to reopen it xD you can do other requests though
Hello! I'd like to replace Fang with Lucky on my signature. Keep everything the same and still use a gold rose for obtained, just put a Lucky sprite where Fang's sprite is. Thanks!
Hey! When you come back, I'd like you to edit my Cloudtop sig. Please replace Pierce with Genji (obtained), Beau with Ruby (obtained), Julian with Deirdre (obtained), and Flurry with Poppy. Poppy is the last dreamie I need. Also, can you make the font yellow and replace my current background with this one? If it's not too much trouble? I can tip you. And, also, no rush! Do it on your own time.


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The shop is closed but not for a long time! I'm just very busy because of school so please be patient >.<
I don't close the thread cause I wouldn't know how to reopen it xD you can do other requests though

you open and close it at the top around "thread tools". If you close it, it will change it to open, so you can open it again

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oh wait nvm I don't even think you can close it :/
I can't wait to see the end product for mine, bit go ahead and study up man school is important
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