free stress free scribbles

Heya! Could you maybe do Paul the Ball (Porutama)? I only have a teensy pixel ref of him right now... I can make the image bigger if you need, but it would mean the world if you drew him :)

Paul The Ball.gif

He has two lil spherical puffs on the side of his head, it's kinda considered his hair ig? and no arms, but he's a sweetheart. His eyes are always closed, and has rosy cheeks (tiny bloosh). feel free to give him arms if for a memey cause lol but they gotta be muscular lol
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hii!! ur art style is to die for<3 maybe you could draw one of my ocs

he’s so cute and i feel like he would really fit your styles! thank u for considering :)
LMAO these faces are a big mood, could i get one of my camp girl? :eek:

she's just... a wholesome teashop owner who is surrounded by supernatural phenomena and she just ignores everything just like my problems