Freeze Tag

Everyone is welcome to join Freeze Tag, unfortunately I'm not on right now to play
We will start tomorrow at 9am EST for the first game of Freeze Tag. If you want to join simply post here and be here tomorrow at 9am. Thanks!

I will be trying to add obstacles tomorrow.

1. DirtyD
2. Sarah (Maybe)
3. Suaure
I'll join if i can get my wi-fi to work! So i guess i'm a maybe.. :/

Tomorrow at 9am EST

1. DirtyD
2. Sarah (Maybe)
3. Suaure
4. ACCity

Lets have another after at 945am EST if we have the people

1. DirtyD

Tomorrow at 9am EST

1. DirtyD
2. Sarah (Maybe)
3. Suaure
4. ACCity

Lets have another after at 945am EST if we have the people

1. DirtyD
2. tj7777777
3. Toad Kart 64
4. royman6
We could probably use some more maybe's in case others do not show up. Will open gates in about a half hour.

Tomorrow at 9am EST

1. DirtyD
2. Sarah (Maybe)
3. Suaure
4. ACCity

Lets have another after at 945am EST if we have the people

1. DirtyD
2. tj7777777
3. Toad Kart 64
4. royman6

You will need an axe and a bug net. Please try to remember both. Also go over the rules in the first post just so everyone knows how to play, I will quickly go over before each game in AC as well.
Its about time we start the first game, do we have our four?