Freya Stopped herself Moving, Question??


Food Extraordinare
Jun 16, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Winter Mittens
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Cherry (Fruit)
Chocolate Cake
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
New Year's Party Popper
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Hi, i thought a villager would only stop themselves moving if you weren't good friends with them?? but i'm really good friends with Freya :eek: and shes given me her picture? so why did she prevent herself
I'd done way too much progress to reset, so Freya will be staying in my town, and who knows who will be the first to move :p
I think I read somewhere that it's still 50/50 to whether they stay or go when you tell them it's ok for them to leave, regardless of your friendship level with them.
Oh ok thanks :) next time i just wont speak to them
6 weeks and still none have left, i need newbies now haha
What I do is save the game before talking to someone who is supposed to be moving, or before walking around town my town for the first time to see who pings me. Then if when talking to them they decide to stay, I can reset and try again. Or once they've agreed to move, don't talk to them til they're in boxes/moved out. Moose told me he was going to stay after all a few weeks ago. I've never hit the 'home' button so fast... ;-)
What I do is save the game before talking to someone who is supposed to be moving, or before walking around town my town for the first time to see who pings me. Then if when talking to them they decide to stay, I can reset and try again. Or once they've agreed to move, don't talk to them til they're in boxes/moved out. Moose told me he was going to stay after all a few weeks ago. I've never hit the 'home' button so fast... ;-)

Yeah i would normally do that its a good method, but i simply didnt think id need to as we were good friends :)