Friend Code Swap

Added you as well, can't wait for the new games, especially because of the panda, (OMGOSH THE PANDA) XD
I hope nobody minds if I add some of you. I'm also new to this forum and would love to play with other people. My name is Ziggy and my friend code is in my description
I'll add you and a few others if that's alright. I got my 3DS a few days ago and I have hardly any friends so far, fc is on the left and my name is Julia :)
I'm new to this game as well. My names Dave and FC is 515534195469. Don't I need your code to add you after you've added me? Not sure lol Thanks! I have cherries as native fruit btw
Can you come to my town? Bring Bells if you decide to come!

Town: Kona
Name: Kapewa(its hawaiian, just type it)
Fruit: Pear and oranges(Native: pear)
Friend Code: 0434-0057-0273

By the way, this is for wild World...
My Gates will be open always until my DS is running low on battery!!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Buy something!

Town: Kona
Name: Kapewa(hawaiian)
Fruit: Pear and oranges(Native: pear)
Friend Code: 0434-0057-0273

By the way, this is for wild World...
Go ahead and add me; I'll add you!

And I happen to plan on getting the Pokemon games when they come out. :D
u can add me aswell, will get the new pokemn game for sure as well ^^
FC is on the left :)

If someone lse want to add me pls PM :)
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if youre still looking for friends im always down, im a new player so im not very far yet