Friends always appear offline?


~ Carpe Diem ~
Apr 6, 2013
Yellow Pansy
Red Pansy
Yellow Pansy
So I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I have a slight problem with the Friends App on my NookPhone.

My (best) friend basically always appears offline, no matter what we do... I appear offline for her as well. We haven't really played with others, we're not sure if it's only just us.
My switch tells me she's online, and we can even travel to each other's island, but somehow she appears offline on my phone. Even reopening the app, refreshing it, or sending her a new Best Friend request (which gets accepted) doesn't seem to help. I can't send her messages or anything.

So internet does work and we can play the game together, but the Friends App doesn't work for me. Is this a common problem? What should I do?
Is one (or both) of your Best Friend communication settings down the bottom of the app switched to Off? I keep mine off for privacy/anxiety reasons so I always appear offline to my friends and (I think) they always appear offline to me.
If yes, see if switching it on makes a difference; if not, I have no idea I'm sorry but I hope you get it fixed soon!
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You might have the option disabled. In the friends app on the nook phone pressing the "-" button will allow you to hide your online status (which also makes everyone appear iffline. Just go to the app and press -, that should fix your issue