Friends never invite me over


Acnl addict
Aug 7, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
October Birthstone (Opal)
Red Cosmos
Tasty Cake
So this year I got 3 new friends. Over the summer I went to a overnight trip with them. And with one friend I went to the movies with her and a bunch of amusement parks with her but with the other 2 nothing. Then I started to notice in Snapchat that all 3 of them were hanging out a lot together and I was never invited to anything they do together we are the 4 friend group bilut it's more turning into the 3 friend group.thsi makes me upset bcuz I do feel like the outcast of the group bcuz I'm the last to know about everything and I try to make plans like I was talking to the one friend and sad all 4 of us should go somewhere and she said ya we should haven't talked about it since. I'm not the one that makes big plans because it's hard when no one replies back or sad sure but never helps with the plans and I am by comfortable with making those plans and I can't tell them about this problem bcuz their not the type of people that would understand. I know I could always get new friends but it seems everyone has a group they hang out with. What do I do!
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if i were you, i'd honestly try and get new friends...they're excluding you and its not fair to you.
You could always invite them to do stuff with you. You shouldn't always expect to be invited. Sometimes you have to do the inviting yourself.

Also, what do you mean by they aren't the type to understand? Have you even tried talking about it with them? You'll never surely know until you try.
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that sucks, it really isn't fun to feel or be left out.

it might not be their intention to leave you out, so maybe you should try suggesting stuff all four of you could to together?

if you feel like they don't want you there i would suggest trying to find new friends. not for their sake, but for your own. you don't deserve to feel like the least liked friend in the group ;w;
Back in highschool (5 or so years ago now) I moved back to a place i'd lived when I was younger and I was good friends (or so i thought) with the people I was friends with back when I was much younger, basically it was a big group of people and they'd always talk to me in school and i thought we were all Good Buddies. It wasn't until later that i found out they would always all go and do things together and purposefully leave me out, talk **** behind my back, and some of them were even in cahoots with people who actually wanted to kill me :)) I left the school and area completely without telling any of them and none of them even bothered to message me or ask where i was.. idk but as someone who already had Issues, that really didn't help with my self-esteem and things

My story was pointless and off topic and your situation probably isn't like that at all but anyway, what I'm trying to say is people that leave you out like that and make you feel **** are not your friends, honestly. If I were you I'd drop them before things get worse, you could try and get other friends (join clubs, talk to people, etc) but seriously, having no friends might be lonely and make you feel bad but imo it's better than having fake friends who make you feel terrible. If you think you can mend it, maybe give it one more try, but I think they're aware that they're leaving you out and it likely isn't worth it
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try inviting them to something
and if they all seem to make fake excuses

then get some new friends
If people are your friends, they'd want to hang out with you.
Fake friends would always give me the excuse that "I don't seem like I wanna hangout" - do you think this could happen to you as well? Though in my situation they didn't care about me regardless.
i actually am in the same boat as you, they always hang out without me, but i don't mind too much. i have other friends, and i play video games to fill the empty void in my soul. i'd say confront em about it.
This happened to me before. I made friends with a new kid back in middle school and introduced him to my friend I was friends with back in like 2nd grade. We all hung out for awhile and eventually the new kid and my old friend started hanging out and doing things without me. I stopped really talking to them in general because I knew there was a reason they weren't inviting me to things anymore. You might want to find new friends. If they're leaving you out of group outings that shows the lack of care they have for you not being there.
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OMG ok so I had a best friend for 2 years, and in the 2nd year I met this girl who then I introduced to my best friend, and we were all bffs. WELL it ends up where my so called "best friend" got mad at me because I decided to ignore her during a field trip cause she went in another group without me and decided to stay there. The next day I tried saying sorry to her on texting, and she said bye b**** and told me to go die in a ditch and go to hell, that I am too "weird and awkward" to have friends, and other mean stuff. Point is the school year now my best friend who I befriended last year "the 2nd one" still talks to her sometimes. And she was like "HI BEST FWIEND!" to my actual non-backstabbing bff and it got me so pissed. Good thing me or my bff have no periods with her, but it still pisses me off because people think she's a goody 2-shoes even thou I tried apologizing for ignoring her cause she decided to go in another group, and acts like nothing happened and talks with my bff acting like they are bffs forever even thou I was the one who introduced my friend to "back-stabby" person. .-.
Lmao sounds a lot like my friends from last year. They used to invite me everytime they went out but then last summer they'd just go out and yeah I'd find out when they posted stuff on Snapchat or Instagram and the only time I'd get invited was out of pity when I'd ask one of them why they'd never invite me anywhere which made me feel so pathetic honestly. They even added new people into their whole posse thing and I was.. still left out.
anyway I kind of accepted that people who you think are your friends probably don't feel the same way (or maybe they consider you a friend too but just not as much as you think or hope for) and I just kept my distance from them

I'd say to look for new friends but that didn't exactly work out for me either haha but just don't stay with or get attached to people who leave you out and make you feel like that because it isn't even worth it
You could even hang out by yourself and maybe that sounds a little uncomfortable but I'd find it a little better than forcing yourself to be around people who you know couldn't care any less about whether or not you're around
if it feels one sided to you, then don't bother wasting time and effort. putting your energy into something that they don't really appreciate isn't going to make them magically accept you and include you into things. at the same time you did mention that you haven't hung out or gotten to know the other two as much so if you really don't want to lose them then maybe you could try getting to know the other two in your 4-man group.

it stuck when you feel left out of a group. but in my experiences and opinion, its better to be alone or to find the right group, rather than to try to stick yourself in a group where no one really cares whether you are there or not.
OMG ok so I had a best friend for 2 years, and in the 2nd year I met this girl who then I introduced to my best friend, and we were all bffs. WELL it ends up where my so called "best friend" got mad at me because I decided to ignore her during a field trip cause she went in another group without me and decided to stay there. The next day I tried saying sorry to her on texting, and she said bye b**** and told me to go die in a ditch and go to hell, that I am too "weird and awkward" to have friends, and other mean stuff. Point is the school year now my best friend who I befriended last year "the 2nd one" still talks to her sometimes. And she was like "HI BEST FWIEND!" to my actual non-backstabbing bff and it got me so pissed. Good thing me or my bff have no periods with her, but it still pisses me off because people think she's a goody 2-shoes even thou I tried apologizing for ignoring her cause she decided to go in another group, and acts like nothing happened and talks with my bff acting like they are bffs forever even thou I was the one who introduced my friend to "back-stabby" person. .-.


Actually I can relate so much

It's not worth it. Find people who compliment your quirks
I've been in a similar situation.

A couple of years ago, when I was first going into middle school I introduced myself to a very small group of friends (like 2 or 3 kids). They were very friendly and accepting at the time and we'd always meet up before school began in the mornings and talk about random things.
Over time though, this group became more popular as more kids wanted to join it and eventually it became the most popular group of kids in school. And the kids in it always had more in common with the other people in the group than me. They'd always talk about things I wasn't interested in and generally leave me out of conversations and events. The "leaders" of the group would continuosly drop hints that I wasn't welcome anymore. They also grew to be annoying as hell and talk in annoying voices which was apparently their "group thing," which I was also very sick of. So I left them alone. The last time I ever talked to anyone in that group was September 2015.
It's one of the main reasons I have a very small amount of friends now. I always see to be that one kid in a friend group that nobody wants in but nobody has the heart to tell off.
My advice is to maybe talk to your friends about how you feel, and try to invite them to something or try to get them to conversate about a topic you're interested in. If they continue to act like this, just drop the group and leave.
After that I wouldn't suggest trying to get new friends right away. Friends aren't things you can just try on like clothes and toss them away if they don't fit. If it takes you a while to find a friend that you really trust, that great. If you decide that you don't want friends for the time being, that's alright as well.
I would get new friends. Life's too short to deal with nonsense like that. Friendships go both ways with both parties making an effort to maintain the relationship. If it's not working out, drop them and find people who appreciate you better. :)
I had a problem with friends going out without me too. I got really tired and bored of not being invited anywhere so I kinda just invited myself when they went out and my great humor and personality made them realize I'm a good time. If you talk to them as friends and all, I'm sure if you started to join in they'd begin to include you. If they kinda just ignore you and don't really do much with you at all, I'd say look for a new group.