To Whom it may Concern,
Fruitopia is a free food/fruit project. While donations are appreciated, they are not required to participate. Its grid is made up of numbers on the X axis for its representative row along with a letters on the Y axis for its assigned column. We currently house a row of coconut trees completely surrounding the island, along with a complete grove of orange trees in column A. We are also building virtually an entire grove of every fruit tree in each different column, in addition to adding more bamboo and coconuts. Most recently, we added a huge pumpkin patch. Bamboo also lines the very top of row 1.
Fruitopia is currently seeking in-kind donations of:
All fruits and pumpkins (even when being given away, fruits/vegetables help expedite the growing of new fruit trees)
Bells (for bridges, golden holes, ramps, and the stalk market - all investments have proven positive thus far, we have one more bridges to go, and may move two slightly)
Brown imperial furniture other than the Imperial low table and Imperial partition
Cherry blossoms
Cherry blossom DIY recipes
Cherry blossom furniture
K.K. Faire
Donations go up north in front of the museum or villager's house area. Free items can be immediately way down south by the airport, tailor's, and other villager's house.
The free food/fruit project is back open! Gate code: 46JQT (No Spaces). It's apples and oranges day, with a side of DIY!
Friday's at 5 are our open house and huge giveaway days, including all fruits and pumpkins.
Volunteers are also always appreciated. This means weeding, picking up sticks, and watering. Routine volunteers/donors may also become a best friend and help plant/move trees.
Fruitopia was inspired by real life nonprofits and Project Hyrule which was a part of Animal Crossing on the GameCube Nintendo Entertainment system. Please be sure to research, volunteer at, and donate to the organizations you wish to support in that order! Fruitopia is NOT a licensed 501(c)(3). Having said that, known volunteers/donors may inquire about embezzlement opportunities. >_>
Happy hunting! In honor of apples and oranges day, we invite you to make sure you eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables today. If anything, see if you can incorporate one-four serving(s) of whole fruit(s) and one-five serving(s) of whole vegetable(s) to your diet today! Namaste.
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