Trading [FT] Flora [LF] Lucky, Ankha, Bells, or Wishlist

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Senior Member
Jul 1, 2013
Blue Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
Winter Mittens
Voodoo Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
100% (48) +
hello all, this is my first thread in like 4 years so i hope i'm doing it right.

i have flora in my town who is set to move on the 25th! i would be willing to time travel if when I find a good trade!

as of now, my only real dreamie is Lucky, with Ankha being second. i know that Flora is probably not as equal to either of them, so I would be willing to offer TBT or IGB as well as trading Flora. if i can not find a trade offer for Lucky or Ankha, I will take the next best offer of items from my wishlist, or bells (TBT or IGB). pretty much, just make offers & i will pick the one i prefer the most. hope that isn't too confusing! thanks xo

i have also posted this on reddit.
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Do you care about originality? I’m pretty sure I have Ankha in one of my towns, but I’m not sure if she’s original. If you don’t mind, I could get her in boxes for you in exchange for Flora and like, 10 TBT?
no, I don't mind originality! the 10 TBT sounds fine to me :) woukd you be up to trading today?
We can totally trade today! I’m trying to knock out a bunch of trades right now— turns out using Amiibo cards is uh, a lot easier than I expected, so if you could just give me like, half an hour or so that would be perfect.
okay! could you take flora first? i only have 1 town, & 10 in my town right now before flora leaves.
Alright! My other trader isn’t getting back to me, so I can take you now if you want. I’ll come pick her up— I need to hold her in my cycling town until my main town has space, anyway— and then you can come pick Ankha up!
okay! give me one second to TT to her moving date, then I'll open my gate! also, I'll add your friend code right now :D

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opening my gate now :D
Alright, my gate’s open for you now! Just come by when you’re ready :D
oh wow i didn't think you'd be ready so soon! be right there :D

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flora's gone, thank you so much for ankha!! closing thread ♥
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