North America FT: MANY Series 1,2,3, + 1 S4 & 1 WA

Hi I have both June and Snooty and wanted to know if you'd be willing to offer for them? The only card I see that you have that I'm super interested in is Wolfgang and I'm not too sure what the values are. It seems there have been some fair deals here so I'll trust whatever your decision is in the end^^;

Alright! Hey, thanks! Let's trade June for Wolfgang? Also Are your cards NA? If so can you PM me a pic of June? Thanks!
Any chance you’d be willing to trade Julian for Ike? c:
Yo! Krystwal! Thanks for the offer! As much as I'd really like to trade you for those cards, unfortunately my primary focus right now is Welcome Amiibo Cards! On the off-chance that circumstances change though, I'll contact you again if I still have Stella and if your still interested! Until then I'll try holding on a little tighter to my Stella, but no guarantees!

Nevermind! I actually managed to find someone willing to trade both Hopkins and Stella! Ah.. I'm so happy! Thanks for considering everything though, Vizex. Hope you complete your WA collection soon ^^

Happy trading!
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Bump! Added some welcome amiibo cards! Looking for WA19 Maddie and WA36 Candi!
Alright, forgive me if I make the same mistake but I don't know the rarity of certain Amiibo cards.
Would you accept my Annalise for your Julian?
What about just Francine for Broffina, Blathers, and Rod? I don't think I have any more cards you want but you can always check my thread if you want anything else.
Alright, forgive me if I make the same mistake but I don't know the rarity of certain Amiibo cards.
Would you accept my Annalise for your Julian?

Julian is really popular and valuable. I wouldn't trade it for Annalise.